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Recovery of platinum and rhenium using selective precipitation induced by two-stage photochemical treatment
Hydrometallurgy ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2022.105883
Hisao Hori 1 , Yuki Yonezato 1 , Kei Ito 1

Platinum(IV) and rhenium(VII) can be selectively recovered as precipitates from aqueous solution by means of UV–Visible light irradiation in the presence of 2-propanol and acetone. When an aqueous solution (pH 13.2) containing platinum(IV) (10.9 mM) and rhenium(VII) (11.5 mM) was irradiated with 60 mW cm−2 light for 3 h, 95% of initial platinum content was recovered in the precipitate in its zerovalent state with high selectivity (the recovery efficiency was 24 times that of rhenium), while 96% of the initial rhenium content remained in the reaction solution. To recover the rhenium in the remaining solution, the platinum-containing precipitate was removed, and the collected solution was further irradiated in another photochemical cell. After 12 h of the second irradiation, 82% of the rhenium content in the initial solution (before the first irradiation) was recovered as a precipitate with a recovery efficiency that was 16 times that of platinum. Using this two-stage photochemical treatment, both the platinum and rhenium in the aqueous solutions were successfully recovered as precipitates with high selectivity.



铂 (IV) 和铼 (VII) 可以在 2-丙醇和丙酮存在下通过紫外-可见光照射从水溶液中选择性地作为沉淀物回收。当含有铂(IV) (10.9 mM)和铼(VII) (11.5 mM)的水溶液(pH 13.2)用60 mW cm -2照射时光照3 h,95%的初始铂含量以零价态高选择性地回收到沉淀物中(回收效率是铼的24倍),而96%的初始铼含量保留在反应溶液中。为了回收剩余溶液中的铼,除去含铂沉淀物,收集的溶液在另一个光化学电池中进一步照射。在第二次辐照 12 小时后,初始溶液(第一次辐照前)中 82% 的铼含量以沉淀的形式回收,回收效率是铂的 16 倍。使用这种两阶段光化学处理,水溶液中的铂和铼都成功地作为沉淀物以高选择性回收。
