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Initial experiments to assess short-term survival of discarded plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) caught in trammel nets during winter season
Fisheries Research ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106308
Rasmus Ern 1 , Katrine Molbo 1 , Trine H. Jensen 1, 2 , Sergey V. Kucheryavskiy 3 , Peter R. Møller 4, 5 , Niels Madsen 1

European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) is a key species in commercial fisheries in the North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, and Baltic Sea. The reformed European Union Common Fisheries Policy includes the possibility of exemptions from the landing obligation for “species for which scientific evidence demonstrates high survival rates”. Discard survival from set-net fisheries is poorly studied. Trials were conducted on two commercial fishing vessels over seven trips from November to February 2017–2018 in the Baltic Sea. The nylon trammel nets had a nominal bar size for the inner/outer wall of 75/350 mm and 85/400 mm. Soaking time was 23–47 h, water depth 7–18 m, and deck temperature was −0.1–6.0 °C. Following commercial practice, the trammel nets were hauled back onto the vessel, after which netting and fish passed through a net hauler onto a steel sorting table where the entire fish catch were manually untangled by the fishers and plaice collected by scientists. We used a storage system for housing the captured fish inside fishing harbours during observations. Catch-damage-index (CDI) and Reflex Action Mortality Predictor (RAMP) scores were used to assess fish condition immediately after capture and at the end of observation periods. All plaice below 40 cm were sampled with a total number of 118 individuals from 13 fleets (several nets joined together). The fish were assessed for short-term survival for 4–10 days with full survival (100%). The majority of fish exhibited no reflex impairments. Minor bruises, fraying, and net marks were frequently observed on captured fish. The overall condition of the fish did not change during observation periods.


评估冬季用铁网捕获的废弃鲽(Pleuronectes Platesa)短期存活率的初步实验

欧洲) 是北海、斯卡格拉克、卡特加特和波罗的海商业渔业的关键物种。改革后的欧盟共同渔业政策包括免除“科学证据表明成活率高的物种”的登陆义务的可能性。对固定网渔业丢弃生存的研究很少。从 2017 年 11 月至 2018 年 2 月,在波罗的海进行了七次航行的两艘商业渔船的试验。尼龙网的内/外壁标称条尺寸为 75/350 毫米和 85/400 毫米。浸泡时间为 23-47 h,水深 7-18 m,甲板温度为 -0.1-6.0 °C。按照商业惯例,将吊网拖回船上,之后,渔网和鱼通过网搬运车进入钢制分拣台,渔民手动解开所有渔获物,科学家收集鲽鱼。在观察期间,我们使用了一个存储系统将捕获的鱼存放在渔港内。捕获损伤指数 (CDI) 和反射动作死亡率预测器 (RAMP) 分数用于评估捕获后和观察期结束时的鱼类状况。对所有 40 厘米以下的鲽鱼进行了抽样,共有来自 13 个船队的 118 个人(几个网连接在一起)。对鱼进行了 4-10 天的短期存活评估,完全存活(100%)。大多数鱼没有表现出反射障碍。在捕获的鱼上经常观察到轻微的瘀伤、磨损和网痕。
