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An aversive racism explanation for the influence of race, SES, and race-stereotypical crimes on jury decision biases against East Asian American defendants
Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-06 , DOI: 10.1080/15377938.2022.2054890
Diana K. Phan 1 , Russ K. E. Espinoza 1 , Susan R. Sy 1


Aversive racism, a subtle form of contemporary racism for persons who may hold egalitarian values, has been used to explain prejudice by jurors toward Black American and Latinx American defendants, but has yet to examine East Asian American defendants as targets of prejudice. After conducting a pilot study to find race-stereotypical crimes for Asian Americans and White Americans, the purpose of the main study was to examine mock jurors’ prejudice toward East Asian American defendants from an aversive racism perspective. A 2 (Race: White American or East Asian American) x 2 (SES: low or high) x 2 (Race-Stereotypical Crime: embezzlement or computer hacking) between-subjects design was conducted. Participants were randomly assigned to read one of eight trial vignettes describing the crime the defendant had allegedly committed. They were then asked to render a verdict, recommend a sentence, and rate the defendant on various culpability and trait measures. Results showed mock jurors sentenced the low SES East Asian American defendant who committed a race-stereotypical crime more punitively than all other conditions. Mock jurors also found this defendant more culpable and rated him more negatively on a number of trait ascriptions. Limitations and future directions are discussed.




厌恶种族主义是当代种族主义对可能持有平等主义价值观的人的一种微妙形式,已被用来解释陪审员对美国黑人和拉丁美洲被告的偏见,但尚未将东亚裔美国被告视为偏见的目标。在进行了一项针对亚裔美国人和美国白人的种族定型罪行的试点研究之后,主要研究的目的是从厌恶的种族主义角度审视模拟陪审员对东亚裔美国被告人的偏见。进行了 2(种族:美国白人或东亚裔美国人)x 2(SES:低或高)x 2(种族-刻板犯罪:贪污或计算机黑客)受试者之间的设计。参与者被随机分配阅读描述被告据称犯下的罪行的八个审判小插曲之一。然后,他们被要求作出判决,推荐量刑,并对被告的各种罪责和特征进行评分。结果显示,模拟陪审员对 SES 低的东亚裔美国被告进行了比其他所有条件都更严厉的判决,他们犯下了种族定型罪行。模拟陪审员还发现这名被告的罪责更大,并对他的一些特征归属给予了更负面的评价。讨论了限制和未来的方向。
