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Research in Retrospect: The Animal Bones from Daima, Northeast Nigeria
Journal of African Archaeology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-04 , DOI: 10.1163/21915784-bja10015
Brian M. Fagan 1

This brief report describes the animal bones from the first millennium BC discovered during Graham Connah’s excavations at Daima Mound in northeastern Nigeria in 1965–66. The faunal research was completed by the author in 1973, but, owing to various circumstances, it has not been possible to publish the report until now. Eighty percent of the 657 positively identified bones come from domestic cattle, probably a small-statured breed. They were mostly slaughtered while young adults, which suggests they were surplus males. Small stock, probably goats, and also hunting were less important. The inhabitants consumed shallow water fish, mainly Clariidae (catfish), easily trapped in shallow pools. The small Daima collection confirms faunal data from other Lake Chad sites, which show that cattle herding was an important activity during the first millennium BC.



这份简短的报告描述了1965-66 年格雷厄姆·康纳 (Graham Connah) 在尼日利亚东北部戴马丘的挖掘过程中发现的公元前一千年的动物骨骼。动物群研究由作者于1973年完成,但由于种种原因,至今未能发表报告。657 块确诊的骨头中有 80% 来自家牛,可能是一种身材矮小的品种。他们大多是在年轻时被屠宰的,这表明他们是多余的男性。小牲畜,可能是山羊,狩猎也不那么重要。居民食用浅水鱼,主要是Clariidae(鲶鱼),很容易被困在浅水池中。Daima 的小型收集证实了乍得湖其他地点的动物数据,这表明放牧是公元前第一个千年期间的一项重要活动。
