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Cultural Contingencies of Resources: (Re)Conceptualizing Domestic Employees in the Context of Globalization
Academy of Management Review ( IF 19.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-01 , DOI: 10.5465/amr.2021.0339
Yih-Teen Lee 1 , Nana Yaa A. Gyamfi 2

At a time when the world is increasingly connected, we applaud Lau & Shaffer’s (2021) effort to shed novel light on the impact of globalization on domestic employees. Despite its merits, we observe two critical theoretical omissions, and interrelated conceptual irregularities in the authors’ treatment of domestic employees and their resources, that may threaten the utility of their work. Overlooking theoretically relevant complexity of the phenomenon, the authors treat resources as exogeneous to specific cultural features of domestic employees and the globalization agent in question. Such a view fails to capture cultural contingencies of resources, making the model unfortunately incomplete. With the aim of ensuring sound theory building, we discuss the authors’ treatment of domestic employees and their resources, and show how addressing them may contribute to stronger theorization.



在世界联系日益紧密的时代,我们赞赏 Lau & Shaffer (2021) 努力揭示全球化对国内员工的影响。尽管有其优点,但我们观察到两个关键的理论遗漏,以及作者对待家庭雇员及其资源的相互关联的概念上的不规范,这可能威胁到他们工作的效用。忽略该现象在理论上相关的复杂性,作者将资源视为外生于国内雇员和所讨论的全球化代理的特定文化特征。这种观点未能捕捉到资源的文化偶然性,使模型不幸地不完整。为了确保合理的理论建设,我们讨论了作者对待家庭雇员及其资源的方式,