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Disarming abusers: Domestic violence protective order (DVPO) firearm restriction processes and dispositions
Criminology & Public Policy ( IF 5.085 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-28 , DOI: 10.1111/1745-9133.12581
Julie M. Kafka 1, 2 , Kathryn E. Moracco 1, 2 , Deanna S. Williams 1 , Claire G. Hoffman 1, 2

We investigated the degree to which legislatively mandated firearm restrictions for domestic violence protective orders (DVPOs) have been implemented in North Carolina. We used a representative sample of n = 406 DVPO hearings (2016–17) and found that defendant access to firearms was seldom discussed (23.81%). Among granted orders (n = 303), 69.5% prohibited defendant firearm possession (n = 238) but only 38.61% ordered firearm surrender (n = 143). There were higher odds of restrictions when the defendant had threatened to kill the plaintiff (OR for prohibited possession: 2.25, CI: 1.02, 4.97; OR for firearm surrender: 1.93, CI: 1.09, 3.40); no other lethality indicators were significant. Judges verbally announced firearm restrictions only in one out of three cases (30.87% of DVPOs granted with prohibited possession; 33.02% of firearm surrender cases).


解除施虐者的武装:家庭暴力保护令 (DVPO) 枪支限制程序和处置

我们调查了北卡罗来纳州对家庭暴力保护令 (DVPO) 实施的立法强制枪支限制的程度。我们使用了n  = 406 次 DVPO 听证会(2016-17 年)的代表性样本,发现很少讨论被告获取枪支的问题(23.81%)。在已批准的命令(n  = 303)中,69.5% 禁止被告持有枪支(n  = 238),但只有 38.61% 下令交出枪支(n = 143)。当被告威胁要杀死原告时,限制的可能性更高(或禁止持有:2.25,CI:1.02,4.97;或枪支交出:1.93,CI:1.09,3.40);其他杀伤力指标均不显着。法官仅在三分之一的案件中口头宣布了枪支限制(30.87% 的 DVPO 被授予禁止持有;33.02% 的枪支交出案件)。