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Exploring the Existence of Distinct Subclasses of Intimate Partner Violence Experience and Associations with Mental Health
Journal of Family Violence ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10896-022-00393-7
Susan Lagdon 1 , Jana Ross 2 , Bethany Waterhouse-Bradley 2 , Cherie Armour 3

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a worldwide societal concern. Adversities such as IPV are known to impinge upon mental health and socio-economic development. However, much of the existing literature addresses single or dual constructs of IPV abuse rather than capturing the more common polyvictimisation experience and how they impact on mental health. Using a Northern Irish university student sample (n = 753), latent class analysis was employed to examine distinct patterns of IPV experience stratified by gender (n = 184 males (24.44%); n = 569 females (75.56%)). Regressions were then employed to assess whether there were differential associations between the latent classes of IPV and a range of mental health outcomes. While a greater number of females reported experiencing IPV, patterns of IPV victimisation across gender were found to be similar. Results indicated that three latent classes were optimal across both genders; one characterised by Low or no IPV (males: 48.37%; females: 56.24%), another characterised by predominantly physical and emotional denigration (males: 34.24%; females: 27.42%), and a third characterised by multiple endorsements of different types of IPV (males: 17.39%; females: 16.34%). Differences in mental health outcomes across gender are noted. Classes characterised by multiple forms of abuse report an increased risk of mental health outcomes including posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression but not alcohol use. The study extends the existing literature which highlights the importance of acknowledging psychological and emotional abuse (PEA) as a significant abuse type in the IPV experience. The study also reaffirms the need for definitional clarity and development of standardised measurement tools of PEA within the research context and beyond.



亲密伴侣暴力 (IPV) 是一个全球性的社会问题。众所周知,IPV 等逆境会影响心理健康和社会经济发展。然而,现有的许多文献都针对 IPV 滥用的单一或双重结构,而不是捕捉更常见的多重受害经历以及它们如何影响心理健康。使用北爱尔兰大学生样本 ( n  = 753),采用潜在类别分析来检查按性别分层的不同 IPV 体验模式 ( n  = 184 名男性 (24.44%);n = 569 名女性 (75.56%))。然后使用回归来评估 IPV 的潜在类别与一系列心理健康结果之间是否存在差异关联。虽然更多女性报告经历过 IPV,但发现不同性别的 IPV 受害模式相似。结果表明,三个潜在类别在两种性别中都是最佳的;一种以低或无 IPV 为特征(男性:48.37%;女性:56.24%),另一种以身体和情感诋毁为主(男性:34.24%;女性:27.42%),第三种以多种不同类型的背书为特征IPV(男性:17.39%;女性:16.34%)。注意到不同性别的心理健康结果存在差异。以多种形式虐待为特征的班级报告说,心理健康结果的风险增加,包括创伤后应激障碍、焦虑和抑郁,但不包括饮酒。该研究扩展了现有文献,强调承认心理和情感虐待 (PEA) 作为 IPV 体验中重要的虐待类型的重要性。该研究还重申了在研究范围内及其他范围内明确定义和开发 PEA 标准化测量工具的必要性。
