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Multidimensional Byzantine agreement in a synchronous setting
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s00200-022-00548-5
Andrea Flamini 1 , Riccardo Longo 1 , Alessio Meneghetti 1

In this paper we present the Multidimensional Byzantine Agreement (MBA) Protocol, a leaderless Byzantine agreement protocol defined for complete and synchronous networks that allows a network of nodes to reach consensus on a vector of relevant information regarding a set of observed events. The consensus process is carried out in parallel on each component, and the output is a vector whose components are either values with wide agreement in the network (even if no individual node agrees on every value) or a special value \(\bot \) that signals irreconcilable disagreement. The MBA Protocol is probabilistic and its execution halts with probability 1, and the number of steps necessary to halt follows a Bernoulli-like distribution. The design combines a Multidimensional Graded Consensus and a Multidimensional Binary Byzantine Agreement, the generalization to the multidimensional case of two protocols presented by Micali et al. (SIAM J Comput 26(4):873–933, 1997; Byzantine agreement, made trivial, 2016). We prove the correctness and security of the protocol assuming a synchronous network where less than a third of the nodes are malicious.



在本文中,我们介绍了多维拜占庭协议 (MBA) 协议,这是一种为完整和同步网络定义的无领导者拜占庭协议协议,它允许节点网络就一组观察到的事件的相关信息向量达成共识。共识过程在每个组件上并行执行,输出是一个向量,其组件是网络中具有广泛一致性的值(即使没有单个节点对每个值都达成一致)或特殊值\(\bot \)这表明不可调和的分歧。MBA 协议是概率性的,它的执行以概率 1 停止,停止所需的步骤数遵循类伯努利分布。该设计结合了一个多维分级共识多维二进制拜占庭协议,对 Micali 等人提出的两种协议的多维情况的推广。(SIAM J Comput 26(4):873–933, 1997;拜占庭协议,微不足道,2016)。我们假设同步网络中只有不到三分之一的节点是恶意的,我们证明了协议的正确性和安全性。
