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Plastic Deformation of Copper and Its Alloys under the Action of Nanosecond UV Laser Pulse
Physics of Metals and Metallography ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-29 , DOI: 10.1134/s0031918x22020077
T. V. Malinskii 1 , V. E. Rogalin 1 , V. A. Yamshchikov 1


The effect of nanosecond UV laser pulses on copper and low-alloy copper samples has been studied. Traces of high-temperature deformation have been found at the energy density of 0.1–1 J/cm2 in the below-threshold regime without obvious traces of melting. They manifest themselves as the results of slipping and cracking along grain boundaries, as well as traces of crystallographic slip inside grains. The surface of the metal in the irradiated zone exhibits an uplift. The damage increases with the number of pulses. The height of the resulting uplift can reach 1 μm, and even more in some cases. The results obtained are similar to the electroplastic and magnetoplastic effects. By analogy, we propose to call the detected effect opticoplastic.




研究了纳秒紫外激光脉冲对铜和低合金铜样品的影响。在低于阈值的情况下,在能量密度为 0.1-1 J/cm 2时发现了高温变形的痕迹,没有明显的熔化痕迹。它们表现为沿晶界滑移和开裂的结果,以及晶粒内部的结晶滑移痕迹。辐照区金属表面呈现隆起。伤害随着脉冲数的增加而增加。由此产生的隆起高度可以达到 1 微米,在某些情况下甚至更高。得到的结果与电塑性和磁塑性效应相似。以此类推,我们建议将检测到的效应称为光学塑料。
