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Persistent hypoxaemia and a headache in a previously healthy 11-year-old girl
Thorax ( IF 10 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-01 , DOI: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2022-218723
Ido Sadras 1 , Meir Mei-Zahav 2, 3 , Oded Breuer 4

An 11-year-old girl presented with headache, fever and hypoxaemia. Two months earlier, she suffered a mild COVID-19 infection but was otherwise healthy and family history was unremarkable. At presentation, other than hypoxaemia with a room air oxygen saturation of 87%, her physical examination was normal. Blood test results showed a white cell count of 23×109/L and an elevated C reactive protein level of 3.5 mg/L. Chest X-ray (figure 1) demonstrated a retrocardiac opacity. The patient was admitted with a presumed diagnosis of pneumonia for intravenous cefuroxime and oral azithromycin treatment. During admission, blood cultures, viral PCR panel, PCR for mycoplasma and evaluation for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children were negative. Repeated pulse oximeter measurements showed room air oxygen saturation of 93%. The …


一名先前健康的 11 岁女孩出现持续性低氧血症和头痛

一名 11 岁女孩出现头痛、发烧和低氧血症。两个月前,她遭受了轻微的 COVID-19 感染,但其他方面都很健康,家族史也没有什么特别之处。就诊时,除低氧血症(室内空气氧饱和度为 87%)外,她的体格检查均正常。血液检查结果显示白细胞计数为 23×109/L,C 反应蛋白水平升高 3.5 mg/L。胸部 X 光片(图 1)显示心后混浊。患者因推定为肺炎而入院,接受静脉头孢呋辛和口服阿奇霉素治疗。入院期间,血培养、病毒 PCR 检测、支原体 PCR 和儿童多系统炎症综合征评估均为阴性。重复脉搏血氧仪测量显示室内空气氧饱和度为 93%。这 …