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Letting living intelligence put the artificial version in its place
Journal of Information Technology ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.1177/0268396220980741
Igor Aleksander 1

The phrase ‘Artificial Intelligence’ brings a particularly sinister note to media headlines on the effect of automation on work. Machines such as ‘dumb’ robots that replace physical work have now found a reasonably uncontroversial acceptance as part of productive efforts. It seems to be largely accepted that such machines are needed to work in collaboration with humans to extend production beyond human limitations or capacity. Such robots weld, paint, lift, move, even predict future markets and, generally, perform tasks that leave humans free to plan, manage, invent, design and try to understand the world in which they live. But point to a robot equipped with ‘Artificial Intelligence’ and the old ‘hype–and-fear’ attitudes (as identified by Willcocks [lead paper]) percolate back into the discourse. They appear to threaten human intelligence-based activities. The fear is not entirely surprising. Working humans cherish their intelligence for setting them apart from machines that might replace them. I argue that there is a massive divide between intelligence acquired by living creatures, and the artificial version which is the effort of human programmers. The fear results from an inappropriate use of the word ‘intelligence’ in the context of computation. It is a category error, that is, one where things of one category are being presented as if they belong to another or, alternatively, assigning a property that belongs to a category of objects to another category where it does not belong. That is, it is an error to take ‘intelligence’ as known to belong to the category of living things and apply it to the category of machines that someone has just chosen to call ‘intelligent’. The category error is intensified every time that headlines such as this appear:


