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We Live in an Aging Global Village
Journal of Gerontological Nursing ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-01 , DOI: 10.3928/00989134-20220304-02
Sandra P Hirst , Gregory L Alexander


The term global village is frequently used to express the belief that people throughout the world are interconnected. The term was introduced in the early 1960s by Canadian media theorist Marshall McLuhan (1962). He was writing about the newer technologies of his day (i.e., radio and television). In today's world, let's modify the term and acknowledge that we live in an aging global village.

Globally, increasing numbers of older adults and longer life expectancy are dynamic indicators for the future of our health care system. These indicators shape the future of how nurses conceive they will care for our aging global village. For example, considering how information technologies can support care of older adults in the community and nursing knowledge required to care for older adults with multiple chronic illnesses in long-term care settings. Crucial outcomes linked to these indicators might include a substantial reduction in the number of deaths from infectious diseases, avoidable hospitalizations caused by chronic illnesses, and malnutrition and quality of life for older adults. However, an aging global village exerts pressure on health care systems worldwide and requires gerontological nursing to adapt.

But what does adaptation mean for gerontological nurses? In this special issue of the Journal of Gerontological Nursing, authors explore how nurses are making a difference in the global context and complexity of gerontological nursing practice. We believe the diversity and depth of the issues in their work reflect our current global issues in gerontology. The need for knowledge of sexual and gender minority (SGM) older adults is explored in a scoping review conducted by a U.S. nursing-led research team (Flatt et al., 2022). The team reports that stigma, discrimination, and social exclusion play an important role in SGM older adults' health, health care access, and use of related aging and social services. Hirst and Majowski (2022) speak of the crisis of elder abuse and the efforts of Canadian nurses and health care colleagues to address this abuse. In particular, they highlight the need for older adults to be recognized explicitly under human rights laws, which bind governments to address their rights. McGhan et al. (2022), also from Canada, brought together a diverse group of stakeholders to identify existing supports and programs for the caregiving dyad. Their findings will inform the development of community-based, tailored programs for older adults living with dementia, as well as enhance the accessibility of family caregiver resources. All three articles hold the potential to inform health care policy and adaptation for vulnerable groups of older adults.

Several authors explored technology to respond to changing global trends. Hakimjavadi et al.'s (2022) case series illustrates how advanced practice nurses can use electronic consultation to improve access to care for older clients. Lu et al. (2022) used existing frailty and behavioral determinants of health algorithms to identify patterns in interventions and outcomes for older adults in a community-based care dataset. Another advancement in the use of technology is evident in the article by Zhang et al. (2022), who used the NeOn Methodology framework to generate a knowledge graph to apply person-centered, nonpharmacological interventions to manage psychotic symptoms of dementia. In their words, it “sets a new direction for visualizing and computerizing gerontological knowledge to facilitate human comprehension and build intelligent aged care information systems” (p. 49). Zhu et al. (2022) used machine learning technology and electronic health records to help nurses understand agitation symptoms and dementia in Australian residential aged care facilities. With the assistance of modern technology, as illustrated in these last articles, health care services are increasingly digital and mobile, providing our profession with opportunities to adapt traditional care models so that we can ensure effective and efficient nursing care services.

The full significance of an aging global village has yet to be fully appreciated. There is a need to raise awareness of aging issues, of diversity in aging and older adults, but also of the importance of multi-national nursing research and policy dialogue. Nurses can advocate, influence, and become policymakers. We must hold our politicians accountable for their actions, or lack thereof, in promoting the well-being of older adults. We can emphasize to them and all our nursing colleagues that the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, n.d.) cannot be achieved without strengthening gerontological nursing. The globalization of nursing education, research, and practice creates limitless opportunities for the future development of gerontological nursing. The outcome is enhanced health and well-being for older adults.

Sandra P. Hirst, PhD, RN, GNC(C)

Gregory L. Alexander, PhD, RN, FAAN,


Guest Editors

  • Flatt J. D., Cicero E. C., Kittle K. R., Brennan-Ing M., Anderson J. G., Wharton W., & Hughes T. L. (2022). Advancing gerontological health research with sexual and gender minorities across the globe. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48(4), 13–20. 10.3928/00989134-20220304-03

    Link, Google Scholar
  • Hakimjavadi R., Levi C., LeBlanc K., Guglani S., Helmer-Smith M., Joschko J., Karunananthan S., Keely E., & Liddy C. (2022). Electronic consultation by advanced practice nurses to improve access to specialist care for older adults. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48(4), 33–40. 10.3928/00989134-20220307-02

    Link, Google Scholar
  • Hirst S. P., & Majowski K. (2022). Elder abuse: A global challenge and Canada's response. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48(4), 21–25. 10.3928/00989134-20220307-01

    Link, Google Scholar
  • Lu S.-C., Mathiason M. A., & Monsen K. A. (2022). Frailty and social and behavioral determinants of health: Algorithm refinement and pattern validation. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48(4), 41–48. 10.3928/00989134-20220308-01

    Link, Google Scholar
  • McGhan G., McCaughey D., Flemons K., Shapkin K., Parmar J., Anderson S., & Poole L. (2022). Tailored, community-based programs for people living with dementia and their family caregiver. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48(4), 26–32. 10.3928/00989134-20220307-02

    Link, Google Scholar
  • McLuhan M. (1962). The Gutenberg galaxy: The making of typographic man. University of Toronto Press.

    Google Scholar
  • United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (n.d.). The 17 goals. https://sdgs.un.org/goals

    Google Scholar
  • Zhang Z., Yu P., Pai N., Chang H. C., Chen S., Yin M., Song T., Lau S. K., & Deng C. (2022). Developing an intuitive graph representation of knowledge for nonpharmacological treatment of psychotic symptoms in dementia. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48(4), 49–55. 10.3928/00989134-20220308-02

    Link, Google Scholar
  • Zhu Y., Song T., Zhang Z., Deng C., Alkhalaf M., Li W., Yin M., Chang H., & Yu P. (2022). Agitation prevalence in people with dementia in Australian residential aged care facilities: Findings from machine learning of electronic health records. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48(4), 57–64. 10.3928/00989134-20220309-01

    Link, Google Scholar




地球村这个词经常被用来表达世界各地的人们相互联系的信念。该术语由加拿大媒体理论家马歇尔·麦克卢汉 (Marshall McLuhan) (1962) 在 1960 年代初期引入。他正在写他那个时代的新技术(即广播和电视)。在当今世界,让我们修改这个词并承认我们生活在一个老龄化的地球村。


但是,适应对老年护士意味着什么?在本期《老年护理杂志》特刊中, 作者探讨了护士如何在全球背景和老年护理实践的复杂性中发挥作用。我们相信他们工作中问题的多样性和深度反映了我们当前在老年学方面的全球问题。由美国护理领导的研究小组进行的范围审查探讨了对性和性别少数 (SGM) 老年人知识的需求(Flatt 等人,2022 年)。该团队报告说,污名、歧视和社会排斥在 SGM 老年人的健康、医疗保健获取以及相关老龄化和社会服务的使用方面发挥着重要作用。Hirst 和 Majowski (2022) 谈到了虐待老人的危机以及加拿大护士和医疗保健同事为解决这种虐待问题所做的努力。特别是,他们强调需要根据人权法明确承认老年人,这使政府必须解决他们的权利。麦根等人。(2022 年),同样来自加拿大,汇集了不同的利益相关者群体,以确定现有的护理二合体支持和计划。他们的研究结果将为为患有痴呆症的老年人制定以社区为基础的、量身定制的计划提供信息,并提高家庭护理人员资源的可及性。这三篇文章都有可能为老年人弱势群体的医疗保健政策和适应提供信息。以及增强家庭照顾者资源的可及性。这三篇文章都有可能为老年人弱势群体的医疗保健政策和适应提供信息。以及增强家庭照顾者资源的可及性。这三篇文章都有可能为老年人弱势群体的医疗保健政策和适应提供信息。

几位作者探索了应对不断变化的全球趋势的技术。Hakimjavadi 等人 (2022) 的案例系列说明了高级执业护士如何使用电子咨询来改善老年客户获得护理的机会。卢等人。(2022 年)使用现有的健康算法的脆弱性和行为决定因素,在基于社区的护理数据集中识别老年人干预和结果的模式。在 Zhang 等人的文章中,技术使用的另一个进步是显而易见的。(2022),他使用 NeOn Methodology 框架生成知识图谱,以应用以人为本的非药物干预措施来管理痴呆症的精神病症状。用他们的话来说,它“为老年学知识的可视化和计算机化设定了一个新方向,以促进人类理解和构建智能老年护理信息系统”(第 49 页)。朱等人。(2022) 使用机器学习技术和电子健康记录来帮助护士了解澳大利亚住宅老年护理机构的躁动症状和痴呆症。在现代技术的帮助下,如上几篇文章所示,医疗保健服务越来越数字化和移动化,为我们的专业提供了适应传统护理模式的机会,以便我们能够确保有效和高效的护理服务。(2022) 使用机器学习技术和电子健康记录来帮助护士了解澳大利亚住宅老年护理机构的躁动症状和痴呆症。在现代技术的帮助下,如上几篇文章所示,医疗保健服务越来越数字化和移动化,为我们的专业提供了适应传统护理模式的机会,以便我们能够确保有效和高效的护理服务。(2022) 使用机器学习技术和电子健康记录来帮助护士了解澳大利亚住宅老年护理机构的躁动症状和痴呆症。在现代技术的帮助下,如上几篇文章所示,医疗保健服务越来越数字化和移动化,为我们的专业提供了适应传统护理模式的机会,以便我们能够确保有效和高效的护理服务。

老龄化地球村的全部意义尚未得到充分认识。有必要提高对老龄化问题、老龄化和老年人多样性以及跨国护理研究和政策对话重要性的认识。护士可以倡导、影响和成为政策制定者。我们必须让我们的政治家对他们在促进老年人福祉方面的行为或缺乏行为负责。我们可以向他们和我们所有的护理同事强调,如果不加强老年护理,就无法实现联合国(联合国经济和社会事务部,nd)的 17 项可持续发展目标。护理教育、研究和实践的全球化为老年护理的未来发展创造了无限机遇。

Sandra P. Hirst,博士,注册护士,GNC(C)

Gregory L. Alexander,博士,注册护士,FAAN,



  • Flatt JD、Cicero EC、Kittle KR、Brennan-Ing M.、Anderson JG、Wharton W. 和 Hughes TL2022 年)。与全球性和性别少数群体一起推进老年学健康研究老年护理杂志48(4),13-20。10.3928/00989134-20220304-03

  • Hakimjavadi R.、Levi C.、LeBlanc K.、Guglani S.、Helmer-Smith M.、Joschko J.、Karunananthan S.、Keely E. 和 Liddy C.2022 年)。高级执业护士的电子咨询,以改善老年人获得专科护理的机会老年护理杂志48(4),33-40。10.3928/00989134-20220307-02

  • 赫斯特 SP 和 Majowski K.2022 年)。虐待老人:全球挑战和加拿大的应对措施老年护理杂志48(4),21-25。10.3928/00989134-20220307-01

  • Lu S.-C., Mathiason MA 和 Monsen KA ( 2022 年)。健康的脆弱性以及社会和行为决定因素:算法改进和模式验证老年护理杂志48(4),41-48。10.3928/00989134-20220308-01

  • McGhan G.、McCaughey D.、Flemons K.、Shapkin K.、Parmar J.、Anderson S. 和 Poole L.2022 年)。为痴呆症患者及其家庭护理人员量身定制的以社区为基础的计划老年护理杂志48(4),26-32。10.3928/00989134-20220307-02

  • 麦克卢汉 M . (1962 年)。古腾堡星系:印刷人的形成多伦多大学出版社

  • 联合国经济和社会事务部。()。17个进球。https://sdgs.un.org/goals

  • Zhang Z.、Yu P.、Pai N.、Chang HC、Chen S.、Yin M.、Song T.、Lau SK 和 Deng C.2022 年)。开发用于痴呆症精神病症状的非药物治疗知识的直观图形表示老年护理杂志48(4),49-55。10.3928/00989134-20220308-02

  • Zhu Y., Song T., Zhang Z., Deng C., Alkhalaf M., Li W., Yin M., Chang H., & Yu P. ( 2022 )。澳大利亚住宅老年护理机构中痴呆症患者的躁动患病率:电子健康记录机器学习的结果老年护理杂志48(4),57-64。10.3928/00989134-20220309-01
