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Femicide Prevention Strategy Development Process: The South African Experience
Peace Review ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-28 , DOI: 10.1080/10402659.2022.2049001
Nwabisa Shai , Leane Ramsoomar , Naeemah Abrahams

Despite surveys to measure the magnitude of femicide, civil action to garner public recognition and, government commitment to respond effectively to femicide, South Africa lacked a comprehensive strategy to inform femicide prevention. This essay outlines the process South Africa followed to develop a femicide-specific prevention strategy and argues for an evidence and practice informed approach in a context where femicide prevention is limited. The strategy for South Africa was developed using a phased, research-driven and consultative approach over six months. Its development was informed by expert review of a previous draft strategy, key multi-sectoral stakeholder consultations and literature on femicide, leading to an evidence-based socio-ecological model of the drivers of femicide and a robust theory of change. A country-level definition of femicide was developed. Subsequently, five (5) key strategic objectives were prioritized: strengthening of legislation and policy; leadership and accountability; building evidence and practice informed femicide prevention; and institutional strengthening. However, successful implementation of the femicide prevention strategy is underpinned by reliance on evidence, practice and contextual relevance; urgency to develop and test prevention innovations; intergovernmental collaboration to ensure effective case management from investigation to sentencing; and political leadership to address challenges and conflicts pertaining to government performance targets and policies.



尽管进行了调查以衡量杀害女性的程度、为获得公众认可而采取的民事行动以及政府承诺有效应对杀害女性的行为,但南非仍缺乏为预防杀害女性提供信息的综合战略。本文概述了南非制定针对女性的杀戮预防策略所遵循的过程,并主张在杀戮女性的预防有限的情况下采用证据和实践知情的方法。南非的战略是在六个月内采用分阶段、研究驱动和协商的方法制定的。它的发展是通过对先前战略草案的专家审查、关键的多部门利益攸关方磋商和关于杀害女性的文献得出的,从而形成了一个以证据为基础的杀害女性驱动因素的社会生态模型和一个强有力的变革理论。制定了国家一级的杀害女性定义。随后,优先考虑了五 (5) 个关键战略目标:加强立法和政策;领导和问责制;建立证据并实践知情的杀戮女性预防;和体制强化。然而,成功实施杀戮女性预防战略的基础是对证据、实践和背景相关性的依赖;开发和测试预防创新的紧迫性;政府间合作,以确保从调查到判刑的有效案件管理;和政治领导,以应对与政府绩效目标和政策有关的挑战和冲突。领导和问责制;建立证据并实践知情的杀戮女性预防;和体制强化。然而,成功实施杀戮女性预防战略的基础是对证据、实践和背景相关性的依赖;开发和测试预防创新的紧迫性;政府间合作,以确保从调查到判刑的有效案件管理;和政治领导,以应对与政府绩效目标和政策有关的挑战和冲突。领导和问责制;建立证据并实践知情的杀戮女性预防;和体制强化。然而,成功实施杀戮女性预防战略的基础是对证据、实践和背景相关性的依赖;开发和测试预防创新的紧迫性;政府间合作,以确保从调查到判刑的有效案件管理;和政治领导,以应对与政府绩效目标和政策有关的挑战和冲突。政府间合作,以确保从调查到判刑的有效案件管理;和政治领导,以应对与政府绩效目标和政策有关的挑战和冲突。政府间合作,以确保从调查到判刑的有效案件管理;和政治领导,以应对与政府绩效目标和政策有关的挑战和冲突。
