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‘I caught you!’ Part 2: enriching the external reality
Journal of Child Psychotherapy ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-28 , DOI: 10.1080/0075417x.2022.2044370
Sheila Levi 1


This paper describes and explores the second part of the therapeutic treatment of a young boy who was diagnosed with autism, aged two. In the previous paper, his intensive psychoanalytic psychotherapy and his mind’s growth were covered. In this paper, his non-intensive psychotherapy, parent work, a home-enrichment programme, a structured personality assessment (including use of the WISC-III UK), and mainstream integration will be reported on. The aim of this account is to argue that differential diagnosis is essential for complex cases where there is early neglect and abuse in the child’s developmental history. A psychoanalytic approach that includes personality assessment is suggested to accompany, and even at times replace, the more widely used medical and behavioural assessment methods. It is argued that this can be more comprehensive and helpful in getting to the bottom of the child’s psychological and developmental difficulties, and so can aid in planning effective treatment and support.


'我抓到你了!' 第 2 部分:丰富外部现实


本文描述并探讨了对一名被诊断为自闭症的两岁小男孩进行治疗的第二部分。在之前的论文中,他的密集精神分析心理治疗和他的心灵成长被覆盖。在本文中,他的非强化心理治疗、家长工作、家庭充实计划、结构化人格评估(包括使用 WISC-III UK)和主流整合将被报道。本文的目的是论证鉴别诊断对于在儿童发育历史中存在早期忽视和虐待的复杂病例至关重要。建议使用包括人格评估的精神分析方法来伴随,甚至有时取代更广泛使用的医学和行为评估方法。
