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Recent advances and future directions in practical diet formulation and adoption in tropical Palinurid lobster aquaculture
Reviews in Aquaculture ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-23 , DOI: 10.1111/raq.12675
Leo Nankervis 1 , Clive Jones 1

The spiny lobsters Panulirus ornatus and Panulirus homarus are important developing tropical aquaculture species, with high demand and limited supply. The established industry in Vietnam relies on wild-caught mixed seafood bycatch as feed, a practice linked to water quality degradation and potentially disease proliferation in lobster aquaculture, necessitating formulated feed development. The emerging Indonesian and Australian industries lack the crustacean and mollusc component of the seafood bycatch used in Vietnam, increasing the need for manufactured feeds. The development of such feeds is reliant on knowledge of nutrient requirements, ingredient quality, physical feed requirements, and the link between feeding behaviour and feeding methods. This review will elaborate on the development of these knowledge areas to date and outline the two main reference diet recipes that are available as the basis for future research. Research to date has focused on developing a feed recipe that will be consumed and supports adequate growth rather than steering commercial least-cost formulation practices. Future research is clearly needed to inform formulation, but equally an understanding of the disparate emerging lobster farming industries and their drivers for the adoption of formulated feeds is required to ensure that such research is applied. This will require engagement throughout the supply chain to ensure that research is implementable and to address farmer perception toward formulated feeds. Technical aspects of feed manufacture and scale-up of feed developments will be critical to the adoption of research results, while validation through semi-commercial benchmarks and demonstration farm models are expected to increase commercial uptake of developed feeds.



刺龙虾Panulirus ornatusPanulirus homarus是重要的发展中热带水产养殖品种,需求量大,供应量有限。越南的成熟产业依赖于野生捕捞的混合海产品作为饲料,这种做法与水质恶化和龙虾养殖中潜在的疾病扩散有关,因此需要开发配方饲料。新兴的印度尼西亚和澳大利亚产业缺乏越南使用的海产品兼捕中的甲壳类动物和软体动物成分,从而增加了对人工饲料的需求。这种饲料的开发依赖于对营养需求、成分质量、物理饲料需求以及喂养行为和喂养方法之间联系的了解。这篇综述将详细阐述这些知识领域迄今为止的发展,并概述两种主要的参考饮食食谱,可作为未来研究的基础。迄今为止的研究主要集中在开发一种可食用并支持充足生长的饲料配方,而不是指导商业最低成本配方实践。未来的研究显然需要为配方提供信息,但同样需要了解不同的新兴龙虾养殖业及其采用配方饲料的驱动因素,以确保应用此类研究。这将需要整个供应链的参与,以确保研究是可行的,并解决农民对配方饲料的看法。