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Detection dogs provide a powerful method for conservation surveys
Austral Ecology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-23 , DOI: 10.1111/aec.13162
Emma Bennett , La Toya Jamieson , Stevie Nicole Florent , Nicole Gill , Cindy Hauser , Romane Cristescu

How can detection dogs support existing survey efforts, and when should they be engaged by land managers?
  • Detection dogs are particularly useful in invasive species eradication programs, where locating all invaders is critical for program success.
  • Detection dogs are consistently more effective than traditional survey techniques for collecting scats used in DNA sampling.
  • Evaluating the performance of dog-handler teams is improving with the support of industry groups and increased global research effort.

Detection dogs are increasingly deployed to support conservation efforts and provide an alternative to traditional visual and acoustic surveys. Detection dogs are particularly effective for low-density species (Cristescu et al., 2015), in areas of challenging terrain (Chandler, 2015), where traditional survey methods cause disturbance (McGregor et al., 2016), in eradication programs (Springer, 2011) and where other survey techniques may not be available (Rolland et al., 2006). The use of scent dogs often provides a complementary survey tool, increasing opportunities for the detection of rare and cryptic species (Thomas et al., 2020).

Detection dogs are particularly useful for detecting scats, reject pellets and other non-invasive evidence of animals, and thus can play an important role in DNA sampling (Cristescu et al., 2019; Thompson et al., 2020). Dogs can discriminate between individuals within a species (Wasser et al., 2009) and have special benefits such as the ability to generalize across odours of common and closely related cryptic species (Rutter et al., 2021a) or be trained on inert-frozen plant material for live sample detection (Needs et al., 2021). They consistently outperform traditional survey methods in the search for invasive plants (Goodwin et al., 2010), wind farm mortality surveys (Smallwood et al., 2020), scat detection (Thompson et al., 2020; Grimm-Seyfarth et al., 2019) and live animal detection (Cristescu et al., 2015); however, dogs may not be the most cost-effective detection tool if targets are abundant or easy to detect using other methods (Brook et al., 2012).

Performance evaluation and search strategies are needed to deploy dogs effectively (Rutter et al., 2021b), and the source of the dog and handler can result in significant performance and cost differences (Bennett et al., 2020), meaning that evaluation should be considered project-specific. Training requirements vary with the experience of the dog and handler, type of target and complexity of the survey environment. Effective dog-handler detection teams require strong two-way communication (Jamieson et al., 2018) and performance is best evaluated by treating the dog and handler as a team.

Best-practice deployment of detection dogs for ecological surveys is supported by the Australasian Conservation Dog Network. This network provides resources for land managers and prospective dog handlers.

Full reference Aim of Study Type of Study Key Results Management/Policy Recommendations Ecosystem and location
Cristescu, R.H., E. Foley, A. Markula, G. Jackson, D. Jones, and C. Frère. Accuracy and efficiency of detection dogs: a powerful new tool for koala conservation and management. Scientific Reports, 2015. 5: p. 8349. To investigate the accuracy and efficacy of dogs trained to find koala scat. Experimental and field based trials Detection dogs were 153% more accurate and 19 times more efficient than human visual surveys for Koala. To improve koala conservation, detection dog surveys for koala scats should replace human only teams. Eucalyptus woodland, Queensland, Australia
Chandler, B. Surveillance methods for white bryony in sites with difficult access. Surveillance (Wellington), 2015. 42(1): p. 20-21. To evaluate surveillance methods for white bryony sites with difficult access. Review Trials indicate that detector dogs might be trained to locate inconspicuous plants in hard-to-access terrain. Training dogs to assist with the detection of inconspicuous plants. New Zealand
McGregor, H.W., J.O. Hampton, D. Lisle, and S. Legge. Live-capture of feral cats using tracking dogs and darting, with comparisons to leg-hold trapping. Wildlife Research, 2016. 43(4): p. 313-322. To present an alternative capture method: remote chemical immobilisation after tracking with trained dogs. Capture rates are compared to a concurrent soft-jaw leg-hold trapping program. Experiemental and field based trials Captures using trained dogs resulted in no mortalities or debilitiating physical injuries and were four times more successful per person hour of fieldwork than leg hold traps. The success rate of recaptures using dogs was 97%. Using these methods could improve efficiency and outcomes when catching feral cats, and enable more data per individual cat to be collected than otherwise. Savanna woodlands, central Kimberley, north west Australia
Springer, K. Planning processes for eradication of multiple pest species on Macquarie Island–an Australian case study. Island Invasives: Eradication and Management. (Eds CR Veitch, MN Clout and DR Towns.) 2011: p. 228-232. To outline how decisions taken early in the process of planning led to increased commitment as planning progressed. Case-study Comprehensive follow-up hunting is required to remove surviving rabbits, with their detection best assisted by trained detector dogs. It is better to prepare for survivals and budget for follow up hunting with dogs and not needing them than to seek further budget to support this action. Maquarie Island.
Rolland, R.M., P.K. Hamilton, S.D. Kraus, B. Davenport, R.M. Gillett, and S.K. Wasser. Faecal sampling using detection dogs to study reproduction and health in North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis). Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 2006. 8(2): p. 121. To evaluate the relative sampling efficiency of detection dogs trained to detect North Atlantic right whale scat against opportunistic scat collection during photo-identification surveys. Natural experiment During surveys, detection dogs located more scats (97 scats) than human survey teams (30 scats). Continue the exploration of detection dogs for other marine species detection projects. North Atlantic Ocean
Thomas, M.L., L. Baker, J.R. Beattie, and A.M. Baker. Determining the efficacy of camera traps, live capture traps, and detection dogs for locating cryptic small mammal species. Ecology and Evolution, 2020. 10(2): p. 1054-1068.

1. Compare the effectiveness of Elliott traps and vertically mounted white flash camera traps at a site level, using overall detection probabilities to establish the most effective means of detecting the presence of small mammals, including A. arktos;

2. Conduct a preliminary survey of the effectiveness of a conservation detection dog for identifying the broad-scale presence of A. arktos in several present-day and historical locations, using camera traps to attempt to corroborate any canine-based detections;

3. Use the present research model as a basis to discuss the utility of the various detection techniques for broader use in projects designed to detect the presence of cryptic/rare small mammal species

Experiemental field trial Detection dogs succesfully located Antechinus arktos scats in historial locations (1980s-1990s), where previous Elliot and camera trapping efforts over previous 5-10 years had resulted in zero captures. Camera traps subsequently corroborated A. arktos presence at the sites detection dogs indicated at, demonstrating that detection dogs can be a highly effective method for locating low-density mammal populations. Detection dogs provide a unique opportunity to locate target species, which may be overlooked by traditional methods. If we are to mitigate the risks that endanger our mammals, it is imperative that we successfully survey rare species to enable the development of effective conservation, management, and monitoring programs. Indirect methods, such as detection dogs, will become an increasingly important tool in achieving this goal. Eucalyptus forest, Northern NSW, Australia.
Cristescu, R.H., R.L. Miller, A.J. Schultz, L. Hulse, D. Jaccoud, S. Johnston, J. Hanger, R. Booth, and C.H. Frère. Developing noninvasive methodologies to assess koala population health through detecting Chlamydia from scats. Mol Ecol Resour, 2019. 19(4): p. 957-969. To compare the sensitivity and specificity of multiplex quantitative PCR, next generation sequencing, and a detection dog for detecting Chlamydia-infected koala scats. Laboratory experiment For koalas with urogenital tract disease signs, sensitivity was 78% with quantitative PCR, 50% with next generation genotyping and 100% with the detection dog method. Eucalyptus forest, Eastern Australia
Thompson, S.A., G.G. Thompson, P.C. Withers, and E.M. Bennett, Conservation detection dog is better than human searcher in finding bilby (Macrotis lagotis) scats. Australian Zoologist, 2020. 41(1): p. 86-93. To test the ability of a trained conservation detection dog to find cryptic bilby scats and compare it efficiency with the results of human searches for the same scats. Experimental field trial In a study comparing humans and dogs in the search for bilby scat in a 25m x 25m search area, dogs were able to locate 89/90 scats and humans just 6/90 scats. Dogs were also faster than humans and the authors recommend dogs as the main search method for bilby scats for future surveys. Changes to the DBCA's protocol for bilby searches to include conservation detection dogs as a recommended search strategy. Dry Eucalyptus woodland, Western Australia
Wasser, S.K., H. Smith, L. Madden, N. Marks, and C. Vynne, Scent-matching dogs determine number of unique individuals from scat. Journal of Wildlife Management, 2009. 73(7): p. 1233-1240. To validate a canine-based scent-matching method to asign individual identities to multiple fecal samples from 6 captived maned wolves. Manipulated experiment Three dogs correctly matched 25 out of 28 samples from 6 captive maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus) of known identity. Dogs were exposed to the wolves' scat samples via a scent board. Sample matching by detection dogs provides a reliable, cost-effective tool for assigning individual identities to the large sample sizes needed to address some of the most pressing problems in conservation biology. Controlled indoor environment, USA.
Rutter, N.J., J.H. Mynott, T.J. Howell, A.A. Stukas, J.H. Pascoe, P.C. Bennett, and N.P. Murphy, Buzzing with possibilities: Training and olfactory generalization in conservation detection dogs for an endangered stonefly species. Aquatic conservation, 2021. 31(4): p. 984-989. To determine whether dog-handler teams can locate an endangered alpine insect in its natural habitat and to determine whether dogs trained on one species of stonefly exhibit olfactory generalisation to a similar yet separate species Field trials Conservation detection dogs successfully alerted in the field to the presence of numerous endangered Apline stoneflies, including those not seen by experienced human visual surveyors. Dogs also exhibited effective olfactory generalisation, by being trained to detect a commonly occurring species and generalising this odour inthe field to that of a closely related rare species. Dog-handler teams could be considered for surveying cryptic insects in their natural environments. Furthermore, trainers could consider training detection dogs on a similar and more commonly avalible surrogate species of the intended target speceis and incorperate olfatory generalisation principles to streamline early training stages until appropriate training can be conducted on the intended species when samples are avalible (eg. once in the field). This may be particularly useful for endangered target species from whcih little training sample material is avalible. Alpine heathland, Victoria, Australia.
Needs, S., E. Bennett, B. Mao, and C.E. Hauser, Do detection dogs respond differently to dried, frozen and live plant targets? Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 2021. 236: p. 105276. To determine if dogs trained on frozen or dried samples would be able to correctly indicate on fresh live samples of an entire plant. This was to enable detection of highly invasive plant species without training on live plant material to reduce biosecurity risk. Manipulated experiment Dogs trained on dried and frozen samples of a generic daisy were able to detect live samples when exposed to them. This has implications for invasive weed testing and training for conservation dogs, reducing the biosecurity risk of using live samples of invasive plants. That dried and frozen samples provide sufficient scent matching for training dogs to detect live plant samples. Controlled indoor environment, Melbourne, Australia
Goodwin, K.M., R.E. Engel, and D.K. Weaver, Trained dogs outperform human surveyors in the detection of rare spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe). Invasive Plant Science and Management, 2010. 3(2): p. 113-121. The objectives of this study were to test the hypothesis that dogs (1) detect rare spotted knapweed with equal or better accuracy than humans and (2) detect rare spotted knapweed at greater detection distances than humans Experimental and field based trials Dogs and humans performed similarly in detecting large infestations of spotted knapweed (94% vs 78%), however, dogs were much more accurate in successfully identifying small infestations than humans (67% vs. 34%). Dogs also detected a larger percentage of small infestations at a distance greater than 7.9m (80% vs. only 20% for humans). Monitoring should rely on multiple methods to sample populations satisfactorily and dogs will improve accuracy for small, infrequent plant which are often undersampled by humans. Dryland pasture dominated by wheatgrass. Gallitan County, near Belgrade, MT, USA.
Smallwood, K.S., D.A. Bell, and S. Standish, Dogs Detect Larger Wind Energy Effects on Bats and Birds. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 2020. 84(5): p. 852-864. The objectives were to compare dog versus human searches at wind turbines for their detection rates of volitionally placed trial carcasses of bats and small birds; patterns of found fatilities and cost effectiveness. Experimental and field based trials Compared to human searches, dog searches resulted in fatality estimates up to 6.4 and 2.7 times higher for bats and small birds, respectively, along with higher relative precision and >90% lower cost per fatality detection. The accuracy and precision of fatality estimates at wind projects would be greatly improved by using scent-detection dogs guided by trained handlers than by traditional human searches. Wind facilities, California. USA
Grimm-Seyfarth, A., A. Zarzycka, T. Nitz, L. Heynig, N. Weissheimer, S. Lampa, and R. Klenke, Performance of detection dogs and visual searches for scat detection and discrimination amongst related species with identical diets. Nature Conservation, 2019. 37(37): p. 81-98. This study evaluated the reliability and benefit of species-specific detection dogs in species monitoring using the Eurasian otter and American mink. Specifically, they systematically tested the accuracy and precision of detection dogs and humans for discrimination between related species, even when individuals were fed the same diet. Secondly, they compared relative and absolute detection abilities of dogs and humans under field conditions. Manipulated experiment Dogs were shown to be more accurate under laboratory conditions than humans in distinguishing between visually identical otter and mink scats (0.95 accuracy vs. 0.89 for expert humans, 0.72 and below for non-expert humans). More significantly, otter scat dogs found up to 4x as many scat samples in field conditions, twice as fast as human searchers. Dogs also found a broader variety of scats, whereas human finds were biased towards older, larger scats found in groups. With proper training provided, their use is highly recommended for species monitoring through scats and will significantly contribute to optimal conservation of threatened and management of conflict species. Variety of vegetation structures and pond edges, Germany
Brook, S.M., P. van Coeverden de Groot, C. Scott, P. Boag, B. Long, R.E. Ley, G.H. Reischer, A.C. Williams, S.P. Mahood, T.M. Hien, G. Polet, N. Cox, and B.T. Hai, Integrated and novel survey methods for rhinoceros populations confirm the extinction of Rhinoceros sondaicus annamiticus from Vietnam. Biological Conservation, 2012. 155: p. 59-67. To explore the data collected from a detection dog survey for Javan rhinoceros scat, and the associated genetic analysis of the scat. Field trials Humans were able to identify and detect rhinocerous scat equally well to dogs due to the large and very visible nature of the deposits. Non-invasive survey techniques are recommended for monitoring other endangered rhinoceros populations. Lam Dong Province, Vietnam
Rutter, N.J., T.J. Howell, A.A. Stukas, J.H. Pascoe, and P.C. Bennett, Diving in nose first: The influence of unfamiliar search scale and environmental context on the search performance of volunteer conservation detection dog–handler teams. Animals (Basel), 2021. 11(4): p. 1177. To track the search performance of a pool of conservation detection dogs searching in increasingly difficult search contexts before and after a period of familirisation. Field trials Highlights the importance of assessing detection dogs and their handlers as a team. Detection teams when searching in an unfamiliar context (e.g. larger search scale or complex environment) their search sensitivity reduced on average by 20%. This performance decrease is regained with training Dog-handler teams should consider participating in familirisation training when searching in unfamiliar environments or at unfamilar search scales Controlled indoor conditions, sports field and box-ironbark woodland, Victoria, Australia
Bennett, E.M., C.E. Hauser, and J.L. Moore, Evaluating conservation dogs in the search for rare species. Conservation Biology, 2020. 34(2): p. 314-325. To review current literature on conservation detection dogs and recommend standard reporting language for reporting and evaluation of detection dogs. Review A review of the literature describing the use of dogs in conservation as well as standard reporting parameters for evaluating field performance of working conservation dogs. Includes a summary of reported costs and performance within the literature. Standard reporting of precision, sensitivity, effort, cost and comparison with other techniques. NA
Jamieson, T.J., G.S. Baxter, and P.J. Murray, You Are Not My Handler! Impact of Changing Handlers on Dogs' Behaviours and Detection Performance. Animals (Basel), 2018. 8(10). Determine the impact changing dog handlers has on detection dogs performance at a discrimination task. Experimental trials This study determined that the detection dogs' performances significantly reduced when handled by an un-familiar handler, than with their familiar handler. The detection dogs also performed significantly more stress-related behaviours. If detection dogs are to be handled by new or multiple handlers, there must be a lengthy transition process from familiar to new handlers. Insufficient transition times are likely to reduce detection performance and increase stress.

Open woodland, Queensland, Australia.



  • 侦查犬在入侵物种根除计划中特别有用,在该计划中,定位所有入侵者对于计划的成功至关重要。
  • 在收集DNA 采样中使用的粪便方面,检测犬始终比传统调查技术更有效。
  • 在行业团体的支持和全球研究工作的增加下,对训犬员团队绩效的评估正在改进。

越来越多地部署探测犬来支持保护工作,并为传统的视觉和听觉调查提供替代方案。探测犬对低密度物种特别有效(Cristescu 等人,  2015 年),在具有挑战性的地形区域(Chandler,  2015 年),传统调查方法会造成干扰(McGregor 等人,  2016 年),在根除计划(Springer)中,  2011 ) 以及其他调查技术可能不可用的地方 (Rolland et al.,  2006 )。嗅觉犬的使用通常提供了一种补充调查工具,增加了发现稀有和神秘物种的机会(Thomas 等人,  2020 年)。

检测犬对于检测动物的粪便、拒绝颗粒和其他非侵入性证据特别有用,因此可以在 DNA 采样中发挥重要作用(Cristescu 等人,  2019 年;Thompson 等人,  2020 年)。狗可以区分一个物种中的个体(Wasser 等人,  2009 年),并具有特殊的好处,例如能够概括常见和密切相关的神秘物种的气味(Rutter 等人,  2021a)或接受惰性冷冻训练用于活体样本检测的植物材料(Needs 等人,  2021 年)。在寻找入侵植物方面,它们始终优于传统调查方法(Goodwin 等,  2010)、风电场死亡率调查(Smallwood 等人,  2020 年)、粪便检测(Thompson 等人,  2020 年;Grimm-Seyfarth 等人,  2019 年)和活体动物检测(Cristescu 等人,  2015 年);然而,如果目标丰富或易于使用其他方法检测,则狗可能不是最具成本效益的检测工具(Brook et al.,  2012)。

需要性能评估和搜索策略来有效地部署狗(Rutter et al.,  2021b),而狗和处理程序的来源可能会导致显着的性能和成本差异(Bennett et al.,  2020),这意味着评估应该是被认为是特定于项目的。训练要求因犬只和训练者的经验、目标类型和调查环境的复杂性而异。有效的训犬员检测团队需要强有力的双向沟通​​(Jamieson 等人,  2018 年),最好通过将犬只和训犬师视为一个团队来评估绩效。


完整参考 学习目的 研究类型 主要结果 管理/政策建议 生态系统和位置
Cristescu, RH, E. Foley, A. Markula, G. Jackson, D. Jones 和 C. Frère。检测犬的准确性和效率:考拉保护和管理的强大新工具。科学报告,2015。5:p。8349。 调查受训犬寻找考拉粪便的准确性和有效性。 实验和基于现场的试验 与人类视觉调查考拉相比,检测狗的准确率提高了 153%,效率提高了 19 倍。 为了改善考拉的保护,对考拉粪便的检测犬调查应取代仅由人类组成的团队。 澳大利亚昆士兰桉树林地
Chandler, B. 在难以进入的地方监测白色苔藓植物的方法。监视(惠灵顿),2015。42(1):p。20-21。 评估难以进入的白色苔藓植物的监测方法。 审查 试验表明,侦查犬可能会被训练在难以进入的地形中定位不显眼的植物。 训练狗协助检测不显眼的植物。 新西兰
McGregor、HW、JO Hampton、D. Lisle 和 S. Legge。使用追踪犬和飞镖实时捕捉野猫,并与腿部诱捕进行比较。野生动物研究,2016 年。43(4):p。313-322。 提出另一种捕获方法:用训练有素的狗跟踪后进行远程化学固定。捕获率与并发的软颚腿保持捕获程序进行比较。 实验和现场试验 使用训练有素的狗进行捕获不会导致死亡或导致身体虚弱的伤害,并且每人小时的野外工作成功率是腿部陷阱的四倍。用狗追捕的成功率为97%。 使用这些方法可以提高捕捉野猫时的效率和结果,并且可以比其他方法收集更多的每只猫的数据。 澳大利亚西北部金伯利中部的稀树草原林地
Springer, K. 计划消灭麦格理岛多种害虫物种的过程——澳大利亚案例研究。岛屿入侵者:根除和管理。(Eds CR Veitch、MN Clout 和 DR Towns。)2011:p。228-232。 概述在规划过程的早期做出的决定如何导致随着规划的进展而增加承诺。 案例分析 需要进行全面的后续狩猎以清除幸存的兔子,最好由训练有素的侦查犬协助检测。 最好为狗的后续狩猎和不需要它们的后续狩猎和预算做准备,而不是寻求进一步的预算来支持这一行动。 马夸里岛。
罗兰、RM、PK Hamilton、SD Kraus、B. Davenport、RM Gillett 和 SK Wasser。使用检测犬进行粪便采样以研究北大西洋露脊鲸 (Eubalaena glacialis) 的繁殖和健康。鲸类研究与管理杂志,2006 年。8(2):p。121. 评估经过训练以检测北大西洋露脊鲸粪便的检测犬在照片识别调查期间对机会主义粪便收集的相对采样效率。 自然实验 在调查期间,探测犬发现的粪便(97 个粪便)比人类调查组(30 个粪便)多。 继续探索其他海洋物种探测项目的探测犬。 北大西洋
Thomas,ML,L. Baker,JR Beattie 和 AM Baker。确定相机陷阱、活体捕捉陷阱和探测犬在定位神秘的小型哺乳动物物种方面的功效。生态与进化,2020。10(2):p。1054-1068。

1. 在现场比较 Elliott 陷阱和垂直安装的白色闪光灯相机陷阱的有效性,使用整体检测概率确定检测小型哺乳动物(包括 A. arktos)存在的最有效方法;

2. 对保护探测犬的有效性进行初步调查,以识别在当今和历史的几个地点广泛存在的 A. arktos,使用相机陷阱试图证实任何基于犬的检测;

3. 以本研究模型为基础,讨论各种检测技术在旨在检测神秘/稀有小型哺乳动物物种存在的项目中更广泛使用的效用

实验性现场试验 侦查犬成功地在历史位置(1980 年代至 1990 年代)定位了Antechinus arktos粪便,此前 Elliot 和相机在过去 5 到 10 年的诱捕工作导致零捕获。相机陷阱随后证实了 Aarktos出现在检测犬所指示的地点,表明检测犬可以成为定位低密度哺乳动物种群的高效方法。 探测犬提供了一个独特的机会来定位目标物种,这可能被传统方法所忽视。如果我们要减轻危及哺乳动物的风险,我们必须成功地调查稀有物种,以便制定有效的保护、管理和监测计划。检测犬等间接方法将成为实现这一目标的日益重要的工具。 桉树林,澳大利亚新南威尔士州北部。
Cristescu、RH、RL Miller、AJ Schultz、L. Hulse、D. Jaccoud、S. Johnston、J. Hanger、R. Booth 和 CH Frère。开发通过检测粪便中的衣原体来评估考拉种群健康的非侵入性方法。摩尔生态资源,2019。19(4):p。957-969。 比较多重定量 PCR、下一代测序和检测犬检测感染衣原体的考拉粪便的敏感性和特异性。 实验室实验 对于有泌尿生殖道疾病体征的考拉,定量PCR的灵敏度为78%,下一代基因分型的灵敏度为50%,检测犬法的灵敏度为100%。 澳大利亚东部桉树林
Thompson, SA, GG Thompson, PC Withers 和 EM Bennett,保护探测犬在寻找 bilby (Macrotis lagotis) 粪便方面比人类搜索者更好。澳大利亚动物学家,2020。41(1):p。86-93。 测试训练有素的保护探测犬寻找神秘的袋鼠粪便的能力,并将其效率与人类搜索相同粪便的结果进行比较。 实验田间试验 在一项比较人类和狗在 25m x 25m 的搜索区域中寻找袋鼠粪的研究中,狗能够找到 89/90 的粪便,而人类只能找到 6/90 的粪便。狗的速度也比人类快,作者推荐狗作为未来调查的主要搜索方法。 更改 DBCA 的 bilby 搜索协议,将保护检测犬作为推荐的搜索策略。 干燥的桉树林地,西澳大利亚
Wasser、SK、H. Smith、L. Madden、N. Marks 和 C. Vynne,气味匹配的狗从粪便中确定独特个体的数量。野生动物管理杂志,2009 年。73(7):p。1233-1240。 验证一种基于犬类的气味匹配方法,以将个体身份分配给来自 6 只圈养鬃狼的多个粪便样本。 操纵实验 三只狗正确匹配了来自 6 只已知身份的圈养鬃狼 ( Chrysocyon brachyurus ) 的28 个样本中的 25 个。狗通过气味板接触狼的粪便样本。 检测犬的样本匹配提供了一种可靠、经济高效的工具,用于将个体身份分配给解决保护生物学中一些最紧迫问题所需的大样本量。 受控室内环境,美国。
Rutter, NJ, JH Mynott, TJ Howell, AA Stukas, JH Pascoe, PC Bennett 和 NP Murphy,充满可能性:保护检测犬对濒临灭绝的石蝇物种的训练和嗅觉概括。水生保护,2021 年。31(4):p。984-989。 确定狗处理团队是否可以在其自然栖息地找到濒临灭绝的高山昆虫,并确定受过一种石蝇训练的狗是否表现出对相似但不同物种的嗅觉泛化 现场试验 保护探测犬在现场成功地提醒了许多濒临灭绝的 Apline 石蝇,包括那些没有被经验丰富的人类视觉测量员看到的石蝇。狗还表现出有效的嗅觉泛化能力,通过训练来检测常见的物种并将现场的这种气味推广到密切相关的稀有物种的气味。 可以考虑处理狗的团队来调查自然环境中的神秘昆虫。此外,培训师可以考虑在目标物种的相似且更常见的可用替代物种上训练探测犬,并结合嗅觉概括原则以简化早期训练阶段,直到可以在样本可用时对目标物种进行适当的训练(例如,一次在该领域)。这对于只有很少的训练样本材料可用的濒危目标物种可能特别有用。 澳大利亚维多利亚州高山荒地。
Needs、S.、E. Bennett、B. Mao 和 CE Hauser,探测犬对干燥、冷冻和活植物目标的反应是否不同?应用动物行为科学,2021。236:p。105276。 确定接受冷冻或干燥样品训练的狗是否能够正确指示整个植物的新鲜活体样品。这是为了能够检测高度入侵的植物物种,而无需对活植物材料进行培训,以降低生物安全风险。 操纵实验 在普通雏菊的干燥和冷冻样本上训练的狗在接触它们时能够检测到活的样本。这对保护犬的侵入性杂草测试和培训有影响,降低使用侵入性植物活体样本的生物安全风险。 干燥和冷冻样品为训练狗检测活植物样品提供了足够的气味匹配。 受控室内环境,澳大利亚墨尔本
Goodwin、KM、RE Engel 和 DK Weaver,训练有素的狗在检测稀有斑点矢车菊(Centaurea stoebe)方面的表现优于人类测量员。入侵植物科学与管理,2010. 3(2): p. 113-121。 本研究的目的是检验以下假设:狗 (1) 以与人类相同或更好的准确度检测稀有斑点矢车菊,以及 (2) 以比人类更远的检测距离检测稀有斑点矢车菊 实验和基于现场的试验 狗和人类在检测大型斑点矢车菊侵扰方面表现相似(94% 对 78%),但是,狗在成功识别小型侵扰方面比人类准确得多(67% 对 34%)。狗还在超过 7.9m 的距离处检测到更大比例的小虫害(80% 与人类只有 20%)。 监测应依赖多种方法来令人满意地对种群进行抽样,而狗将提高对人类经常采样不足的小型、罕见植物的准确性。 以小麦草为主的旱地牧场。加利坦县,靠近美国蒙大拿州贝尔格莱德。
Smallwood、KS、DA Bell 和 S. Standish,Dogs 检测到对蝙蝠和鸟类的更大风能影响。野生动物管理杂志,2020 年。84(5):p。852-864。 目的是比较狗和人类在风力涡轮机上搜索自愿放置的蝙蝠和小型鸟类尸体的检测率;发现的故障模式和成本效益。 实验和基于现场的试验 与人类搜索相比,狗搜索导致蝙蝠和小型鸟类的死亡率分别高出 6.4 倍和 2.7 倍,同时相对精度更高,每次死亡检测的成本降低 90% 以上。 与传统的人工搜索相比,使用由训练有素的操作员引导的气味探测犬将大大提高风能项目中死亡人数估计的准确性和精确度。 加利福尼亚州的风力设施。美国
Grimm-Seyfarth, A., A. Zarzycka, T. Nitz, L. Heynig, N. Weissheimer, S. Lampa 和 R. Klenke,检测犬的表现和对粪便检测的视觉搜索以及在具有相同饮食的相关物种中的区分. 自然保护,2019. 37(37): p. 81-98。 本研究使用欧亚水獭和美洲水貂评估了物种特异性检测犬在物种监测中的可靠性和益处。具体来说,他们系统地测试了检测狗和人类的准确性和精确度,以区分相关物种,即使个体被喂食相同的饮食。其次,他们比较了狗和人类在野外条件下的相对和绝对检测能力。 操纵实验 在实验室条件下,狗在区分视觉上相同的水獭和水貂粪便方面表现出比人类更准确(0.95 准确度,专家人类为 0.89,非专家人类为 0.72 及以下)。更重要的是,水獭粪便犬在野外条件下发现的粪便样本数量高达 4 倍,速度是人类搜索者的两倍。狗还发现了更多种类的粪便,而人类的发现则偏向于成群发现的更老、更大的粪便。 通过提供适当的培训,强烈建议将它们用于通过粪便进行物种监测,并将显着促进受威胁物种的最佳保护和冲突物种的管理。 各种植被结构和池塘边缘,德国
Brook, SM, P. van Coeverden de Groot, C. Scott, P. Boag, B. Long, RE Ley, GH Reischer, AC Williams, SP Mahood, TM Hien, G. Polet, N. Cox, 和 BT Hai,犀牛种群的综合和新颖的调查方法证实了越南犀牛的灭绝。生物保护,2012。155:p。59-67。 探索从爪哇犀牛粪便检测犬调查中收集的数据,以及粪便的相关遗传分析。 现场试验 由于沉积物大且非常明显,人类能够像狗一样很好地识别和检测犀牛粪便。 建议使用非侵入性调查技术来监测其他濒临灭绝的犀牛种群。 越南林同省
Rutter, NJ, TJ Howell, AA Stukas, JH Pascoe 和 PC Bennett,先潜水:不熟悉的搜索规模和环境背景对志愿者保护探测犬处理团队搜索性能的影响。动物(巴塞尔),2021。11(4):p。1177. 在熟悉一段时间之前和之后,跟踪一组保护探测犬在越来越困难的搜索环境中搜索的搜索性能。 现场试验 强调作为一个团队评估侦查犬及其处理程序的重要性。检测团队在不熟悉的环境(例如更大的搜索规模或复杂的环境)中搜索时,他们的搜索敏感度平均降低了 20%。这种性能下降可以通过训练恢复 在不熟悉的环境或不熟悉的搜索范围内进行搜索时,狗管理员团队应考虑参加熟悉培训 受控室内条件、运动场和铁皮林地,澳大利亚维多利亚
Bennett、EM、CE Hauser 和 JL Moore,评估保护犬以寻找稀有物种。保护生物学,2020。34(2):p。314-325。 回顾目前关于保护探测犬的文献,并推荐用于报告和评估探测犬的标​​准报告语言。 审查 对描述在保护中使用狗的文献以及评估工作保护犬的现场表现的标准报告参数的文献回顾。包括文献中报告的成本和绩效的总结。 精度、灵敏度、工作量、成本和与其他技术比较的标准报告。 不适用
Jamieson、TJ、GS Baxter 和 PJ Murray,你不是我的经纪人!改变处理程序对狗的行为和检测性能的影响。动物(巴塞尔),2018. 8 (10)。 确定改变训犬师对检测犬在辨别任务中表现的影响。 实验性试验 这项研究确定,当由不熟悉的处理程序处理时,检测犬的表现比熟悉的处理程序显着降低。检测犬还表现出更多与压力相关的行为。 如果侦查犬要由新的或多个处理程序处理,则必须有一个从熟悉处理程序到新处理程序的漫长过渡过程。转换时间不足可能会降低检测性能并增加压力。

