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The Effects of Colchicine on the Histopathological Findings of Celiac Disease During Familial Mediterranean Fever Treatment.
Pediatric and Developmental Pathology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-22 , DOI: 10.1177/10935266221077572
Aysegul Alpcan 1 , Hacer Fulya Gülerman 2 , Yaşar Kandur 1 , Serkan Tursun 1 , Mehmet Zengin 3

Familial mediterranean fever (FMF) and Celiac Disease (CD) are both autoinflammatory and autoimmune diseases with common clinical features affecting the gastrointestinal system. Familial mediterranean fever may coexist with CD. Inflammatory cells and cytokines are up-regulated within the intestinal mucosa of patients with CD. In this perspective, lymphocyte infiltration to the lamina propria of the small intestinal mucosa is a critical pathological sign. In the present study, we aimed to find out whether the treatment of an FMF patient with colchicine affects the pathological signs of concomitant developed CD on the same patient. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 147 patients with FMF who were followed up in our center between 2015 and 2020. Of the 147 patients with FMF, 3 patients also had CD. In this report, we presented these 3 cases. The findings obtained in this study suggest that pathological findings may be misinterpreted in autoimmune diseases, such as CD, when patients administer anti-inflammatory treatments, such as colchicine.



家族性地中海热 (FMF) 和乳糜泻 (CD) 都是自身炎症和自身免疫性疾病,具有影响胃肠系统的共同临床特征。家族性地中海热可能与 CD 并存。炎症细胞和细胞因子在 CD 患者的肠粘膜内上调。从这个角度来看,淋巴细胞浸润到小肠黏膜固有层是一个重要的病理征象。在本研究中,我们旨在了解用秋水仙碱治疗 FMF 患者是否会影响同一患者同时发生 CD 的病理体征。我们回顾性回顾了 2015 年至 2020 年间在我中心随访的 147 例 FMF 患者的病历。在 147 例 FMF 患者中,3 例患者同时患有 CD。在这份报告中,我们介绍了这 3 个案例。本研究中获得的结果表明,当患者使用秋水仙碱等抗炎治疗时,病理结果可能会被误解为自身免疫性疾病,如 CD。