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Evolution of a Miocene canyon and its carbonate fill in the pre-evaporitic eastern Mediterranean
Facies ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s10347-022-00644-5
J. Reolid 1 , Á. Puga-Bernabéu 1 , O. M. Bialik 2 , E. Zilberman 3 , J. Cardenal 4 , Y. Makovsky 5, 6

Extensive canyons, excavated into the margins of the Levant Basin during the Oligocene–Miocene, are interesting case-studies for canyon fills in carbonate settings. The carbonate Pattish Formation, developed along the margins of the pre-evaporitic Messinian Beer Sheva Canyon in Israel, was investigated using both onshore seismic imaging and field data. The canyon has three main seismic facies of fill (1) Subparallel reflections mimicking the canyon´s morphology; (2) chaotic reflections overlying the subparallel ones, and (3) sigmoidal reflections, locally with sharp edges at the canyon margins. The first seismic facies corresponds to the pelagic marls of the Bet Eshel Formation. The other two seismic facies are, respectively, equivalent to bioclastic calcarenite clinobeds with slumps and channels, and to coral–stromatolite reefs and reef slopes of the Pattish Formation observed at outcrop. There were three phases of canyon development: (1) slope incision and headward erosion due to tectonic uplift and eustatic sea-level fall during the Early Oligocene, and large slope failure during the latest Middle Miocene; (2) platform incision and connection with a fluvial system in the Late Miocene related to falling sea level and tectonic uplift; and (3) canyon filling first by pelagic marls at the centre of the canyon, followed by calcarenite clinobeds at the canyon flanks formed by gravity flows. Finally, carbonate production at the margins of the canyon resulted in reefs and associated slopes prograding towards the canyon axis. The late canyon filling phase ended with the deposition of evaporites during the Messinian Salinity Crisis.



渐新世-中新世期间在黎凡特盆地边缘开挖的大峡谷是碳酸盐岩环境中峡谷充填的有趣案例研究。利用陆上地震成像和现场数据对沿着以色列麦西尼亚贝尔谢巴峡谷前蒸发期边缘发育的碳酸盐岩帕蒂什地层进行了研究。峡谷具有三个主要的充填地震相: (1) 模仿峡谷形态的次平行反射; (2) 覆盖近平行反射的混沌反射,以及 (3) S 形反射,在峡谷边缘局部具有尖锐边缘。第一个地震相对应于 Bet Eshel 组的远洋泥灰岩。另外两个地震相分别相当于具有滑塌和河道的生物碎屑屑钙铁矿斜层,以及露头观察到的珊瑚叠层石礁和 Pattish 组的礁坡。峡谷发育经历了三个阶段:(1)早渐新世由于构造抬升和海平面升降下降导致斜坡下切和溯源侵蚀,中中新世末期斜坡发生大面积破坏; (2) 晚中新世与海平面下降和构造隆升有关的台地切割和与河流系统的连接; (3) 峡谷首先被峡谷中心的远洋泥灰岩充填,随后由重力流在峡谷两侧形成钙铁矿斜层。最后,峡谷边缘的碳酸盐生成导致珊瑚礁和相关斜坡向峡谷轴线推进。峡谷后期充填阶段随着麦西尼亚盐度危机期间蒸发岩的沉积而结束。
