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Did you hear what she did to me? Female friendship victimization disclosures offer reputational advantages
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology ( IF 3.532 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jesp.2022.104311
Tania A. Reynolds 1, 2 , Jaime Palmer-Hague 3

Although gossip is a common tactic of women's same-gender competition, it carries social costs. Overtly malicious gossipers are generally disliked, suggesting those who transmit gossip in more palatable forms may be favored as social partners. Four studies (N = 1653) tested the hypothesis that women's heightened sensitivity to transgressions in friendships prompts divulgence of those violations, allowing women to covertly (and perhaps unintentionally) transmit reputation-harming information about same-gender peers. In Study 1, women were more likely than men to question a same-gender friendship following violations denoting a friend's lack of commitment or kindness. In Study 2, women were more likely than men to report disclosing such friendship violations to others. In Study 3, first-person disclosures about one's own victimization were more trusted and approved than third-person disclosures about others' victimization, suggesting such statements are not readily recognized as gossip. In Study 4a, men and women reported that their female friends disclosed all types of friendship violations more frequently than did their male friends, but especially those surrounding commitment and replacement risk. In Study 4b, female perpetrators suffered worse reputational damage than did male perpetrators following divulgence of their poor treatment of same-gender friends. Taken together, these results reveal women are especially concerned about same-gender friends' interpersonal treatment, they disclose their perceived victimization to others, and such disclosures effectively impair same-gender peers' reputations. These patterns raise the possibility that the greater fragility of female (versus male) friendships results, in part, from this effective, yet covert form of intragender competition.



八卦虽然是女性同性比赛的常用手段,但也带有社会成本。公然恶意的八卦者通常不受欢迎,这表明那些以更可口的形式传播八卦的人可能会被视为社会伙伴。四项研究(N = 1653) 测试了这样一个假设,即女性对友谊中的越轨行为高度敏感会促使这些违规行为的披露,从而使女性能够秘密地(也许是无意地)传播关于同性别同伴的损害名誉的信息。在研究 1 中,女性比男性更有可能在表示朋友缺乏承诺或善意的违规行为后质疑同性友谊。在研究 2 中,女性比男性更有可能向他人报告这种违反友谊的行为。在研究 3 中,关于自己受害的第一人称披露比关于他人受害的第三人称披露更受信任和认可,这表明此类陈述不容易被视为八卦。在研究 4a 中,男性和女性报告说,她们的女性朋友比男性朋友更频繁地披露各种类型的友谊违规行为,尤其是那些与承诺和替代风险有关的行为。在研究 4b 中,女性施暴者比男性施暴者遭受的名誉损害更严重,因为她们披露了她们对同性朋友的恶劣待遇。综上所述,这些结果表明女性特别关注同性别朋友的人际交往,她们向他人披露自己的受害感,而这种披露有效地损害了同性别同伴的声誉。这些模式增加了女性(相对于男性)友谊更脆弱的可能性,部分原因是这种有效但隐蔽的性别内竞争形式。但尤其是那些围绕承诺和替换风险的。在研究 4b 中,女性施暴者比男性施暴者遭受的名誉损害更严重,因为她们披露了她们对同性朋友的恶劣待遇。综上所述,这些结果表明女性特别关注同性别朋友的人际交往,她们向他人披露自己的受害感,而这种披露有效地损害了同性别同伴的声誉。这些模式增加了女性(相对于男性)友谊更脆弱的可能性,部分原因是这种有效但隐蔽的性别内竞争形式。但尤其是那些围绕承诺和替换风险的。在研究 4b 中,女性施暴者比男性施暴者遭受的名誉损害更严重,因为她们披露了她们对同性朋友的恶劣待遇。综上所述,这些结果表明女性特别关注同性别朋友的人际交往,她们向他人披露自己的受害感,而这种披露有效地损害了同性别同伴的声誉。这些模式增加了女性(相对于男性)友谊更脆弱的可能性,部分原因是这种有效但隐蔽的性别内竞争形式。女性施暴者的名誉损害比男性施暴者更严重,因为她们暴露了她们对待同性朋友的恶劣待遇。综上所述,这些结果表明女性特别关注同性别朋友的人际交往,她们向他人披露自己的受害感,而这种披露有效地损害了同性别同伴的声誉。这些模式增加了女性(相对于男性)友谊更脆弱的可能性,部分原因是这种有效但隐蔽的性别内竞争形式。女性施暴者的名誉损害比男性施暴者更严重,因为她们暴露了她们对待同性朋友的恶劣待遇。综上所述,这些结果表明女性特别关注同性别朋友的人际交往,她们向他人披露自己的受害感,而这种披露有效地损害了同性别同伴的声誉。这些模式增加了女性(相对于男性)友谊更脆弱的可能性,部分原因是这种有效但隐蔽的性别内竞争形式。此类披露有效地损害了同性别同伴的声誉。这些模式增加了女性(相对于男性)友谊更脆弱的可能性,部分原因是这种有效但隐蔽的性别内竞争形式。此类披露有效地损害了同性别同伴的声誉。这些模式增加了女性(相对于男性)友谊更脆弱的可能性,部分原因是这种有效但隐蔽的性别内竞争形式。
