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Fitful circulations: Unauthorized movements in the Sicilian transit zone
International Migration ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-16 , DOI: 10.1111/imig.12996
Jacopo Anderlini 1

The region of Sicily, in the south of Italy, has been at the centre of diverse contemporary migration movements since the 90s. This has made it an ideal setting for experimentation of new border control devices and procedures at the EU level. This article analyses the constellation of migrant circulations – local and seasonal, trans-local, transnational – characterizing this area, considering them as the product of border configurations, (g)local markets (agriculture, tourism) and migrant's agency. The scenario has been deeply affected by the current Covid-19 pandemic which transformed global supply chains, local economies and migrant labour, producing a selection of mobilities due to public health reasons. This contribution is based on a multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork I have been conducting since 2016 in the Sicilian region, which has continued through the pandemic, from the hotspot border apparatus of Pozzallo to the sites of seasonal informal agricultural work as Cassibile, Ragusa area and Campobello di Mazara. What comes to light from the field is a complex sketch, in which migrants’ movement is the outcome of contrasting drives to push, block, divert and accelerate. I define fitful circulations the result of the friction between the economic need to let move labour power commodity and the sovereign push to select, contain or exclude living labour on the basis of citizenship, race, class and gender, emerging from the intertwine of economic and labour markets configurations, territorial sovereignty administration, public health management and the agency of migrants.



自 90 年代以来,意大利南部的西西里地区一直是当代各种移民运动的中心。这使其成为在欧盟层面试验新的边境控制设备和程序的理想场所。本文分析了移民流动的星座——本地和季节性、跨本地、跨国——表征该地区,将它们视为边界配置、(g)本地市场(农业、旅游)和移民代理的产物。这种情况受到当前 Covid-19 大流行的深刻影响,它改变了全球供应链、当地经济和移民劳动力,由于公共卫生原因产生了一系列流动性。这项贡献基于我自 2016 年以来在西西里地区进行的多地点民族志实地调查,从波扎洛的热点边境机构到卡西比勒、拉古萨地区和坎波贝洛迪马扎拉等季节性非正规农业工作地点,这种情况一直持续到大流行。现场展示的是一幅复杂的草图,其中移民的运动是推动、阻挡、转移和加速的对比驱动力的结果。我定义断断续续的循环经济需要让劳动力商品流动,与主权推动根据公民身份、种族、阶级和性别选择、遏制或排除活劳动力之间摩擦的结果,从经济和劳动力市场的交织中出现配置、领土主权管理、公共卫生管理和移民机构。