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The minimum number of multiplicity 1 eigenvalues among real symmetric matrices whose graph is a 2-linear tree
Linear and Multilinear Algebra ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-19 , DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2022.2049186
Wenxuan Ding 1 , Matthew Ingwersen 2 , Charles R. Johnson 1

For a tree T, U(T) denotes the minimum number of eigenvalues of multiplicity 1 among all real symmetric matrices, whose graph is T. It is known that U(T)2. A tree is linear if all its vertices of degree at least 3 lie on a single induced path, and k-linear if there are k of these high degree vertices. U(T) is known for generalized stars (1-linear trees), and U(T) is determined here for 2-linear trees. Three (and higher) linear trees offer considerable additional complications.



对于树Tü()表示所有实对称矩阵中重数为 1 的特征值的最小个数,其图形为T。众所周知ü()2个. 如果一棵树的所有度数至少为 3 的顶点都位于一条诱导路径上,则该树是线性的,如果存在k 个这些高度数的顶点,则为k线性树。ü()以广义恒星(1-线性树)而闻名,并且ü()此处为 2 线性树确定。三棵(或更多)线性树提供了相当多的额外复杂性。
