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Nuances of the unique and evolving conceptualisation of intellectual disability in India: A study of the changing artistic parlance of representing intellectually disabled people in mainstream Hindi cinema
British Journal of Learning Disabilities ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-15 , DOI: 10.1111/bld.12467
Paromita Deb 1

Owing to the different models of disablement in different religions and cultures around the world, social and aesthetic representations of intellectually disabled people are diverse in various societies. Disability is perceived in a different way in India than in the West. There are very few studies on the complex role of Indian mainstream Hindi cinema in the representation of intellectual and developmental disabilities in India. This paper explores the potential of shifting representations of intellectual and developmental disability in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century Bollywood films in the context of multiple aesthetic challenges they pose. The shift in screen image of intellectual impairment is strongly related to the shifting and ambiguous sociocultural model of personhood in India. In earlier Indian Hindi films, characters with intellectual disabilities were depicted in terms of good/bad moralistic labels, compromised body image, leading to aesthetic undesirability. In later Hindi films, they were instead represented as enduring human beings. In short, in earlier Hindi films, there was a discriminatory hegemonic bias in the depiction of intellectually disabled characters, in contrast to that in later Hindi films, where they were depicted in richly diverse perspectives. The changing artistic parlance becomes even more interesting in the context of major developments in Indian governmental policies and rights for the disabled in the last two decades. Thus, the paper highlights that contemporary Hindi films urge the audience to consider intellectual and developmental disability as a multilayered issue and rather than merely as a disease.



由于世界各地不同宗教和文化的残疾模式不同,智障人士的社会和审美表现在不同的社会中是多种多样的。印度对残疾的看法与西方不同。关于印度主流印地语电影在印度智力和发育障碍表现中的复杂作用的研究很少。本文探讨了在 20 世纪末和 21 世纪初的宝莱坞电影中,在它们所带来的多重审美挑战的背景下,智力和发育障碍表现形式的转变的潜力。智力障碍的屏幕形象转变与印度社会文化模式的转变和模棱两可密切相关。在早期的印度印地语电影中,智障人物被描绘成好的/坏的道德标签,受损的身体形象,导致审美不受欢迎。在后来的印地语电影中,他们被描绘成不朽的人类。简而言之,在早期的印地语电影中,智障角色的描绘存在歧视性的霸权偏见,而在后来的印地语电影中,他们以丰富多样的视角被描绘出来。在过去二十年印度政府政策和残疾人权利的重大发展背景下,不断变化的艺术用语变得更加有趣。因此,该论文强调当代印地语电影敦促观众将智力和发育障碍视为一个多层次的问题,而不仅仅是一种疾病。