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Symposia Summaries
Fisheries ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-17 , DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10754

The following symposia summaries were inadvertently omitted from the January 2022 issue of Fisheries.

Offshore Wind, Fish, and Fisheries

In all, 33 presentations and 7 posters presented research and syntheses of knowledge about the impacts of offshore wind energy development on fish and fisheries in the northeastern United States. Field studies examining species abundance and distribution focused on epibenthos, benthic macroinvertebrates, demersal finfish, and pelagic highly migratory species (HMS) employed beam and otter trawls, acoustic telemetry, passive acoustic monitoring using fixed arrays and an autonomous glider, and towed optical instrumentation. The flyway concept was introduced as a tool for evaluating effects on migration behavior, stopovers, and cumulative impacts for migratory fish. Planning was explored through presentations on regional coordination, gear standardization, fishermen’s knowledge, turbine layouts, and a navigation simulator. Modeling studies explored potential economic impacts (sea scallops [Pectinidae] and surf clams [Mactridae]) and range shifts (surf clams), habitat impacts for longfin squid Doryteuthis pealeii, and impacts on sea scallop larval transport and dispersion. Methods to examine effects on fisheries included the use of fisheries dependent data, commercial fishing engagement strategies, and novel governance approaches. Syntheses presented examined the body of knowledge on benthic macroinvertebrates, demersal fish, large pelagics and HMS, and community level interactions. As an extension of the symposium, an upcoming themed issue of Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science will focus on offshore wind and fisheries.

—Elizabeth Methratta, National Marine Fisheries Service. Email: elizabeth.methratta@noaa.gov

Tails from the Anthropocene–Stories and Lessons from 150 Years of Aquatic Introductions and their Impacts on Fisheries

Since the establishment of the American Fisheries Society in 1870, the management of nonindigenous species has been a priority. The Invasive and Introduced Species Section (formally known as the Introduced Fish Section) coordinated a symposium tied to the 150th anniversary-themed celebration of AFS. This symposium described the invasion histories and management strategies of various introduced aquatic species across North America throughout the storied history of AFS. In-person and virtual presentations discussed the primary waves of invasive and introduced species establishment during the sanctioned (i.e., legal stocking by natural resource agencies) creation of new fisheries in the 1810s to 1920s, hitchhiking with commerce in the 1930s to 1990s and nonsanctioned captive releases (i.e., illegal aquarium dumping and bait bucket transfers) in the 2000s to present (Figure 1). Managers now consider new technologies to control and prevent invasive species establishment or introductions and balance created fisheries with native fish communities in a more holistic manor. Managers use multijurisdictional approaches, leverage large datasets, and assess current and evolving strategies to adaptively manage individual invasive or introduced species and the fish communities they are a part of. This approach ensures management priorities are meet and invasive or introduced species can be successfully managed for another 150 years and beyond.

—Nathan J. Lederman, Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Email: Nathan.Lederman@illinois.gov

Details are in the caption following the image
Figure 1
Open in figure viewerPowerPoint
Timeline of introductions of various species discussed in the “Tails From the Anthropocene” symposium held at the 2021 AFS Annual Meeting.



2022 年 1 月的《渔业》杂志无意中省略了以下专题讨论会摘要。


总共有 33 个演讲和 7 个海报展示了关于海上风能开发对美国东北部鱼类和渔业影响的研究和知识综合。检查物种丰度和分布的实地研究主要集中在底栖动物、底栖大型无脊椎动物、底栖有鳍鱼和中上层高度洄游物种 (HMS) 上,采用光束和水獭拖网、声学遥测、使用固定阵列和自主滑翔机的被动声学监测以及拖曳光学仪器。飞路概念被引入作为评估对洄游鱼类洄游行为、中途停留和累积影响的影响的工具。通过关于区域协调、渔具标准化、渔民知识、涡轮布局和导航模拟器的介绍,对规划进行了探索。Doryteuthis pealeii,对海扇贝幼体运输和扩散的影响。检查对渔业影响的方法包括使用渔业相关数据、商业捕鱼参与战略和新的治理方法。提出的综合研究了关于底栖大型无脊椎动物、底层鱼类、大型中上层鱼类和 HMS 以及社区层面相互作用的知识体系。作为研讨会的延伸,即将出版的海洋和沿海渔业主题:动力学、管理和生态系统科学将重点关注海上风能和渔业。


人类世的尾巴——150 年水生引入的故事和教训及其对渔业的影响

自 1870 年美国渔业协会成立以来,非本土物种的管理一直是优先事项。入侵和引进物种科(正式称为引进鱼类科)协调了与 AFS 150 周年主题庆祝活动相关的研讨会。本次研讨会描述了整个 AFS 传奇历史中各种引入的水生物种在北美的入侵历史和管理策略。面对面和虚拟演示讨论了 1810 年代至 1920 年代新渔业的批准(即自然资源机构的合法放养)、1930 年代至 1990 年代与商业搭便车以及未经批准的圈养期间入侵和引进物种建立的主要浪潮发布(即,2000 年代至今的非法水族馆倾倒和诱饵桶转移)(图 1)。管理人员现在考虑采用新技术来控制和防止入侵物种的建立或引入,并在更全面的庄园中平衡已建立的渔业与本地鱼类群落。管理人员使用多辖区方法,利用大型数据集,并评估当前和不断发展的战略,以适应性地管理单个入侵或引入物种及其所属的鱼类群落。这种方法可确保满足管理优先事项,并且可以成功管理入侵或引入的物种 150 年甚至更久。管理人员现在考虑采用新技术来控制和防止入侵物种的建立或引入,并在更全面的庄园中平衡已建立的渔业与本地鱼类群落。管理人员使用多辖区方法,利用大型数据集,并评估当前和不断发展的战略,以适应性地管理单个入侵或引入物种及其所属的鱼类群落。这种方法可确保满足管理优先事项,并且可以成功管理入侵或引入的物种 150 年甚至更久。管理人员现在考虑采用新技术来控制和防止入侵物种的建立或引入,并在更全面的庄园中平衡已建立的渔业与本地鱼类群落。管理人员使用多辖区方法,利用大型数据集,并评估当前和不断发展的战略,以适应性地管理单个入侵或引入物种及其所属的鱼类群落。这种方法可确保满足管理优先事项,并且可以成功管理入侵或引入的物种 150 年甚至更久。

— Nathan J. Lederman,伊利诺伊州自然资源部。电子邮件:Nathan.Lederman@illinois.gov

在 2021 年 AFS 年会上举行的“来自人类世的尾巴”研讨​​会上讨论的各种物种的引进时间表。