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Catholic Mobilizations in Twentieth-Century Mexico: From Pious Lynchings and Fascist Salutes to a “Catholic 1968,” Maoist Priests, and the Post-Cristero Apocalypse
The Americas ( IF 0.529 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-17 , DOI: 10.1017/tam.2021.150
Matthew Butler 1

This special issue, fruit of an American Historical Association panel on the entanglements of Catholicism and nationhood after Mexico's Cristero War (1926-29), offers five new histories that cumulatively give the lie to anything so monolithic as a twentieth-century “Catholic history.” As is well known, the Cristero War was a major armed confrontation between the Church and the postrevolutionary state and their respective bases, followed, as the story goes, by an uneasy truce and an enduring coexistence lasting for decades, to the 1950s and perhaps to the 1970s.


20 世纪墨西哥的天主教动员:从虔诚的私刑和法西斯式的敬礼到“1968 年的天主教”、毛派牧师和后克里斯特罗启示录

本期特刊是美国历史协会关于墨西哥克里斯特罗战争(1926-29 年)后天主教与民族关系纠葛的专题小组的成果,提供了五部新的历史,这些历史累积地掩盖了像 20 世纪“天主教历史”这样单一的事物。 ” 众所周知,克里斯特罗战争是教会与革命后国家及其各自基地之间的一次重大武装对抗,随后,随着故事的发展,令人不安的休战和持续数十年的持久共存,一直持续到 1950 年代,也许是1970 年代。
