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International Humanitarian Award.
American Psychologist ( IF 12.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-10 , DOI: 10.1037/h0101887

The International Humanitarian Award recognizes extraordinary humanitarian services and activism by psychologists, including professional and volunteer work conducted primarily in the field with underserved populations. Award recipients are psychologists who, by their extraordinary service at a difficult time, improve the lives and contribute to the well-being of people in a large or small geographic area anywhere in the world. The 2021 recipient of the APA International Humanitarian Award was selected by the 2020 Committee on International Relations in Psychology.



国际人道主义奖旨在表彰心理学家的非凡人道主义服务和行动主义,包括主要在服务不足的人群中开展的专业和志愿工作。获奖者是心理学家,他们在困难时期通过非凡的服务改善生活,并为世界各地大大小小的地理区域的人们的福祉做出贡献。2021 年 APA 国际人道主义奖获得者由 2020 年心理学国际关系委员会选出。