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Is Empathy the Key to Effective Teaching? A Systematic Review of Its Association with Teacher-Student Interactions and Student Outcomes
Educational Psychology Review ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10648-021-09649-y
Karen Aldrup 1 , Bastian Carstensen 1 , Uta Klusmann 1

Teachers’ social-emotional competence has received increasing attention in educational psychology for about a decade and has been suggested to be an important prerequisite for the quality of teacher-student interactions and student outcomes. In this review, we will summarize the current state of knowledge about the association between one central component of teachers’ social-emotional competence—their empathy—with these indicators of teaching effectiveness. After all, empathy appears to be a particularly promising determinant for explaining high-quality teacher-student interactions, especially emotional support for students and, in turn, positive student development from a theoretical perspective. A systematic literature research yielded 41 records relevant for our article. Results indicated that teachers reporting more empathy with victims of bullying in hypothetical scenarios indicated a greater likelihood to intervene. However, there was neither consistent evidence for a relationship between teachers’ empathy and the degree to which they supported students emotionally in general, nor with classroom management, instructional support, or student outcomes. Notably, most studies asked teachers for a self-evaluation of their empathy, whereas assessments based on objective criteria were underrepresented. We discuss how these methodological decisions limit the conclusions we can draw from prior studies and outline perspective for future research in teachers’ empathy.



近十年来,教师的社会情感能力在教育心理学中受到越来越多的关注,并被认为是师生互动质量和学生成果的重要先决条件。在这篇综述中,我们将总结目前关于教师社会情感能力的一个核心组成部分——他们的同理心——与这些教学效果指标之间关联的知识状态。毕竟,同理心似乎是一个特别有前途的决定因素,可以解释高质量的师生互动,尤其是对学生的情感支持,进而从理论的角度促进学生的积极发展。系统的文献研究产生了与我们的文章相关的 41 条记录。结果表明,在假设的情况下,教师对欺凌受害者表示更多的同情,这表明干预的可能性更大。然而,没有一致的证据表明教师的同理心与他们在情感上支持学生的程度之间存在关系,也没有一致的证据表明他们与课堂管理、教学支持或学生成绩之间存在关系。值得注意的是,大多数研究要求教师对他们的同理心进行自我评估,而基于客观标准的评估代表性不足。我们讨论了这些方法上的决定如何限制了我们可以从先前的研究中得出的结论,并概述了未来教师同理心研究的前景。没有一致的证据表明教师的同理心与他们在情感上支持学生的程度之间存在关系,也没有一致的证据表明教师的同理心与课堂管理、教学支持或学生成绩之间存在关系。值得注意的是,大多数研究要求教师对他们的同理心进行自我评估,而基于客观标准的评估代表性不足。我们讨论了这些方法上的决定如何限制了我们可以从先前的研究中得出的结论,并概述了未来教师同理心研究的前景。没有一致的证据表明教师的同理心与他们在情感上支持学生的程度之间存在关系,也没有一致的证据表明教师的同理心与课堂管理、教学支持或学生成绩之间存在关系。值得注意的是,大多数研究要求教师对他们的同理心进行自我评估,而基于客观标准的评估代表性不足。我们讨论了这些方法上的决定如何限制了我们可以从先前的研究中得出的结论,并概述了未来教师同理心研究的前景。
