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Addressing problems for labour not problems of labour: the need for a paradigm shift in work and industrial relations policy
Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work Pub Date : 2022-03-09 , DOI: 10.1080/10301763.2022.2051230
Chris F Wright 1


This article argues that the policy framework governing work and industrial relations in Australia and other liberal market economies is stuck in an outdated paradigm fixated on solving problems of labour that have diminished or no longer exist, such as excessive union power and overt forms of industrial conflict. This policy framework is poorly equipped for addressing increasingly urgent problems for labour, such as growing inequality and workforce insecurity. Drawing upon neo-pluralist ideas and the findings emerging from industrial relations research, the article presents recommendations for what a new industrial relations policy framework would look like. It advocates for the adoption of a neo-pluralist policy paradigm focused on the creation of quality employment, worker wellbeing, redistribution in bargaining and wage determination, fairer labour immigration policies, stronger protections against gender-based inequalities, and increased job security.




本文认为,在澳大利亚和其他自由市场经济体中,管理工作和劳资关系的政策框架停留在过时的范式中,专注于解决已经减少或不再存在的劳工问题,例如工会权力过大和劳资冲突的明显形式. 该政策框架不足以解决日益紧迫的问题劳动力,例如日益严重的不平等和劳动力不安全。借鉴新多元主义思想和劳资关系研究的发现,本文提出了新劳资关系政策框架的建议。它提倡采用新多元主义政策范式,重点是创造优质就业、工人福祉、谈判和工资确定中的再分配、更公平的劳工移民政策、更有力地防止基于性别的不平等,以及增加工作保障。
