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Behind the scenes of an academic journal: Challenges, commitment, and resilience
Business Ethics: A European Review Pub Date : 2022-03-06 , DOI: 10.1111/beer.12423
Dima Jamali 1 , Ralf Barkemeyer 2 , Stefan Markovic 3 , Georges Samara 1


First, credit where credit is due: let us start by congratulating the winners of the 2021 BEER Best Paper Award! For this year's process, we decided to introduce a public vote on the Best Paper nominees selected by our Associate Editors. The public voting procedure turned out to be very popular, with more than 1500 votes received within a four-week period. The winners are Escadas et al. (2019) with their paper titled “Why bad feelings predict good behaviours: The role of positive and negative anticipated emotions on consumer ethical decision making.” The paper examines the impact of positive and negative anticipated emotions in each stage of the consumers' ethical decision-making process, and identifies the concrete emotions that mostly influence each component of the consumers' ethical deliberation process, evaluating their relative importance in predicting decisions entailing ethical issues. This paper moves beyond the traditional valence-based approach to ethical decision making, and investigates the individual emotional mechanisms through which affect can influence the ethical deliberation process.

As importantly, the 2021 BEER Lasting Impact Award recognizes the impact of the research co-authored by Morsing and Schultz (2006). Their paper titled “Corporate social responsibility communication: stakeholder information, response and involvement strategies,” is widely seen as a foundational piece of the CSR communication literature and, to date, it is the most widely cited BEER paper of all times. The paper argues that firms should boost the role of stakeholders in CSR communication processes, so as to improve their legitimacy, reputation and relationships with stakeholders. Thus, the communication of CSR initiatives should be a two-way, iterative, sense-giving and sense-making process, taking place between the firm and its stakeholders.

We would like to warmly congratulate the above-presented winners, as well as the runners-up for the Best Paper Award: (1) Rodríguez-Ariza et al. (2017) with their paper titled “The role of female directors in promoting CSR practices: An international comparison between family and non-family businesses”; and (2) Aqueveque et al. (2018) with their paper titled “Be bad but (still) look good: Can controversial industries enhance corporate reputation through CSR initiatives?”.

This yearly ritual of the Best Paper and Lasting Impact Awards has become part of the ways in which we recognize outstanding contributions to BEER, and provide such contributions with the visibility and duly deserved support. This is also part of a wider set of improvements that we have been trying to champion incrementally, in order to provide more visibility to the journal and its authors, including streamlining our internal processes, hiring a dedicated social media editor, boosting our presence on social media, recognizing our best reviewers, and working closely with our dedicated team of Associate Editors. In addition, we have recently created a new journal section, entitled BEER Heterodoxies, which is different from what we commonly find in other journals, in that it exclusively focuses on dissenting work and unconventional points of view that challenge traditional wisdom and paradigms within the fields of business ethics, corporate responsibility and sustainability (Jamali et al., 2022). This new section is becoming increasingly popular, and attracting a good number of submissions with an ascending trend. For further information about the BEER Heterodoxies section, please visit https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/pb-assets/26946424/BEER_Heterodoxies_Information-1620723755313.pdf.



1 最新消息

首先,功劳归于功劳:让我们首先祝贺2021 BEER最佳论文奖的获得者!对于今年的流程,我们决定对我们的副主编选出的最佳论文提名人进行公开投票。公开投票程序非常受欢迎,在四个星期内收到了 1500 多张选票。获胜者是 Escadas 等人。( 2019) 他们的论文题为“为什么不好的感觉会预测好的行为:积极和消极的预期情绪对消费者道德决策的作用”。本文考察了积极和消极预期情绪在消费者道德决策过程的每个阶段的影响,并确定了主要影响消费者道德审议过程的每个组成部分的具体情绪,评估了它们在预测决策中的相对重要性。伦理道德问题。本文超越了传统的基于效价的伦理决策方法,并研究了情感影响伦理审议过程的个体情感机制。

同样重要的是,2021 年 BEER 持久影响奖表彰了 Morsing 和 Schultz( 2006 年)合着的研究的影响。他们的论文题为“企业社会责任传播:利益相关者信息、响应和参与策略”,被广泛视为企业社会责任传播文献的基础部分,迄今为止,它是有史以来被引用最多的 BEER 论文。论文认为,企业应加强利益相关者在企业社会责任沟通过程中的作用,以提高其合法性、声誉和与利益相关者的关系。因此,企业社会责任倡议的沟通应该是一个双向的、迭代的、意义赋予和意义建构的过程,发生在公司与其利益相关者之间。

我们热烈祝贺上述获奖者,以及最佳论文奖的亚军:(1)Rodríguez-Ariza 等人。(2017 年),他们的论文题为“女性董事在促进企业社会责任实践中的作用:家族企业与非家族企业的国际比较”;(2) Aqueveque 等人。(2018 年),他们的论文题为“做坏事但(仍然)看起来不错:有争议的行业能否通过 CSR 举措提高企业声誉?”。

这一年度最佳论文和持久影响奖仪式已成为我们表彰对 BEER 杰出贡献的方式的一部分,并为此类贡献提供知名度和应得的支持。这也是我们一直试图逐步支持的更广泛改进的一部分,以便为期刊及其作者提供更多可见性,包括简化我们的内部流程、聘请专门的社交媒体编辑、提高我们在社交媒体上的影响力媒体,表彰我们最好的审稿人,并与我们专门的副编辑团队密切合作。此外,我们最近创建了一个新的期刊版块,名为 BEER Heterodoxies,与我们在其他期刊中常见的不同, 2022 年)。这个新版块越来越受欢迎,并以上升的趋势吸引了大量的投稿。有关 BEER Heterodoxies 部分的更多信息,请访问 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/pb-assets/26946424/BEER_Heterodoxies_Information-1620723755313.pdf。
