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Transgender Children: The Making of a Modern Hysteria
Psychological Perspectives ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-07 , DOI: 10.1080/00332925.2021.1959220
Lisa Marchiano

Jung made frequent reference to the fact that unconscious forces find myriad ways to express themselves. Historians of psychiatry and others have explored the role of culture in shaping and spreading psychological symptoms. In this context is the recent phenomenon of the transgender child. The rise in the number of children and teens self-diagnosing as transgender can be compared with the explosion in the numbers of young women exhibiting symptoms of hysteria at the end of the 19th century. Both diagnoses are characterized by subjective symptoms that cannot be objectively verified; both have been propagated by high profile physicians; both affect vulnerable patients, particularly adolescent females; and both have taken root in supportive cultural environments. Hysterical symptoms ought to be explored as expressions of the unconscious; that is, they ought to be taken seriously but explored for their symbolic meaning rather than taken at face value.



荣格经常提到这样一个事实,即无意识的力量找到了无数的方式来表达自己。精神病学历史学家和其他人探索了文化在塑造和传播心理症状中的作用。在这种背景下,是最近出现的跨性别儿童现象。自我诊断为变性人的儿童和青少年人数的增加可以与 19 世纪末表现出歇斯底里症状的年轻女性人数的爆炸式增长相提并论。两种诊断均以无法客观验证的主观症状为特征;两者都由知名医生传播;两者都会影响易受伤害的患者,尤其是青春期女性;两者都在支持性的文化环境中扎根。歇斯底里的症状应该作为无意识的表达来探索;那是,
