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Any Similarities Are Purely Coincidental
Psychological Perspectives ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-07 , DOI: 10.1080/00332925.2021.1996824
Miles Beller

Years before Fascism was to seize Germany, W.W. Crotch, a writer who generally covered cultural and literary subjects, found himself fascinated by a strange, odd fellow he had observed on the streets of Munich, a character he was to learn was named Adolf Hitler. When Hitler and his political party took control of the German government in 1933, Crotch filed a story with the New Statesman, recalling his earlier encounters with Hitler, now the new German Chancellor. Another observer who took note of this new aggressive leader was Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky, who warned the world of Hitler’s hidden personal and international ambitions. Closer to our own day, we have seen leaders and movements gravitating in similar directions. Draw conclusions as you will….



在法西斯主义占领德国之前的几年,WW Crotch,一位通常涵盖文化和文学主题的作家,发现自己对他在慕尼黑街头观察到的一个奇怪而古怪的人着迷,他要学习的角色名叫阿道夫·希特勒。当希特勒和他的政党在 1933 年控制了德国政府时,克罗奇向《新政治家》提交了一个故事,回忆了他早先与希特勒的会面,希特勒现在是新任德国总理。另一位注意到这位新的激进领导人的观察者是俄罗斯革命家列昂·托洛茨基,他警告世界希特勒隐藏的个人和国际野心。接近我们自己的时代,我们已经看到领导者和运动朝着相似的方向发展。随心所欲地得出结论……
