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High-sulfidation epithermal–porphyry transition in the Kumbokarno Prospect, Trenggalek district, East Java, Indonesia: Constraints from mineralogy, fluid inclusion, and sulfur isotope studies
Resource Geology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-06 , DOI: 10.1111/rge.12289
Finlan Adhitya Aldan 1 , Arifudin Idrus 1 , Ryohei Takahashi 2 , Genki Kaneko 2

An indication of high-sulfidation epithermal–porphyry transition was observed in the Kumbokarno prospect, East Java, Indonesia. The prospect is composed of two Middle Miocene intrusions with tonalitic and dioritic compositions. Tonalite, the main host-rock was subjected to argillic, advanced argillic, and vuggy quartz alteration, whereas the juxtaposing diorite was subjected to peripheral propylitic alteration. Three types of vein exist in the research area, which are massive quartz, comb quartz, and stockwork vein. In addition, supergene alteration represented by goethite and hematite pervasively superimposed both the hydrothermal alteration and mineralization. Fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry analysis on three types of quartz veins distinguished primary fluid inclusions into two groups, that is, V30 group composed of vapor (30 vol%)–liquid (70 vol%), and the second group V30H group composed of vapor (30 vol%)–halite (30 vol%)–liquid (40 vol%). The homogenization temperatures of both the groups show a similar range of ca. 350–480°C, but the V30H group has significantly higher salinity (35–50 wt% NaCl eq.) compared to the V30 group (10–20 wt% NaCl eq.). In terms of the vein types, the massive quartz vein has the highest homogenization temperatures, followed by the comb quartz vein and lastly the stockwork veins. The presence of alunite and its sulfur isotope compositions, δ34S = 19.6 (σ = 2.1‰), indicate acidic pH and presence of SO42− in the hydrothermal fluids. The prospect is an intrusion-centered magmatic-hydrothermal system reflecting the porphyry-epithermal transition. The fluid inclusions with high homogenization temperatures up to 480°C and high salinity up to 50 wt% NaCl eq. also support the transition of porphyry to high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization. The presence of two different types of primary fluid inclusions suggests that boiling process occurred and separated the original magmatic fluid into the liquid and vapor phases. More, this fluid underwent dilution and mixing with meteoric waters. The migration of both the fluids were likely unrelated to the formation of the advanced argillic–argillic alteration halo because the quartz veins cut across this alteration. The prospect was later subjected to intensive weathering process that altered most of the sulfides into iron oxides and hydroxides. Small amounts of copper and minor gold were detected, especially in the iron oxides and hydroxides ones with colloform and bladed textures. The Kumbokarno prospect evidences the potential for high-sulfidation to porphyry deposits at the Southern Mountain Arc, Indonesia.


印度尼西亚东爪哇省 Trenggalek 区 Kumbokarno 远景区的高硫化超热液-斑岩转变:矿物学、流体包裹体和硫同位素研究的限制

在印度尼西亚东爪哇的 Kumbokarno 远景区观察到了高硫化超热液-斑岩转变的迹象。该远景由两个中中新世侵入体组成,具有云闪岩和闪长岩成分。主要的主岩英云长岩发生了泥质、高级泥质和孔洞石英蚀变,而并列的闪长岩发生了外围青石蚀变。研究区内存在块状石英脉、梳状石英脉和网纹脉三种脉型。此外,以针铁矿和赤铁矿为代表的表生蚀变普遍叠加热液蚀变和矿化作用。三种石英脉的流体包裹体岩相学和显微温度分析将原生流体包裹体分为两类,即 V30组由蒸气(30 vol%)-液体(70 vol%)组成,第二组V30H组由蒸气(30 vol%)-岩盐(30 vol%)-液体(40 vol%)组成。两组的均质化温度显示出相似的范围。350–480°C,但与 V30 组(10–20 wt% NaCl eq.)相比,V30H 组具有显着更高的盐度(35–50 wt% NaCl eq.)。在脉型上,块状石英脉的均化温度最高,梳状石英脉次之,网纹脉次之。明矾石及其硫同位素组成的存在,但与 V30 组(10-20 wt% NaCl eq.)相比,V30H 组的盐度(35-50 wt% NaCl eq.)明显更高。在脉型上,块状石英脉的均化温度最高,梳状石英脉次之,网纹脉次之。明矾石及其硫同位素组成的存在,但与 V30 组(10-20 wt% NaCl eq.)相比,V30H 组的盐度(35-50 wt% NaCl eq.)明显更高。在脉型上,块状石英脉的均化温度最高,梳状石英脉次之,网纹脉次之。明矾石及其硫同位素组成的存在,δ 34 S = 19.6 ( σ  = 2.1‰),表示酸性pH和SO 4 2−的存在在热液流体中。该远景是一个反映斑岩-浅热转变的以侵入体为中心的岩浆-热液系统。流体包裹体具有高达 480°C 的高均质化温度和高达 50 wt% NaCl eq 的高盐度。也支持斑岩向高硫化超热成矿的转变。两种不同类型的初级流体包裹体的存在表明发生了沸腾过程并将原始岩浆流体分为液相和气相。此外,这种液体经过稀释并与大气水混合。两种流体的迁移很可能与高级泥质-泥质蚀变晕的形成无关,因为石英脉穿过该蚀变。该前景后来经历了强烈的风化过程,将大部分硫化物变成了氧化铁和氢氧化物。检测到少量的铜和少量金,特别是在铁的氧化物和氢氧化物中,具有coloform 和刀片纹理。Kumbokarno 远景证明了印度尼西亚南山弧斑岩矿床的高硫化潜力。