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Dog Whistles and Work Hours: The Political Activation of Labor Market Discrimination
Sociological Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-02 , DOI: 10.15195/v9.a3
Adam Goldstein , Tod Hamilton

Many commentators have suggested that Donald Trump's 2016 election emboldened discrimination against racial minorities. We focus on changes in weekly work hours among hourly paid employees during the five months following the 2016 election (relative to 12 months prior). Using two-wave panel data from the Current Population Survey, we find that black workers suffered temporary work hours and earnings losses relative to white workers in areas where Trump received greater electoral support. There were no within-person declines among non-Hispanic whites in high-Trump-support areas or among any groups in lower-Trump-support areas. These patterns are not driven by seasonality, industrial composition, or pre-election trends, suggesting that Trump's victory exacerbated racial disparities where he received strong electoral support. The findings reveal how political events can catalyze surges of discriminatory behavior in labor markets over the short to medium term, and they provide new evidence about the effects of Trump's early presidency on U.S. race relations.



许多评论员认为,唐纳德特朗普的 2016 年大选助长了对少数族裔的歧视。我们关注 2016 年大选后五个月内(相对于 12 个月前)按小时支付的员工每周工作时间的变化。使用来自当前人口调查的两波面板数据,我们发现在特朗普获得更多选举支持的地区,黑人工人相对于白人工人遭受了临时工作时间和收入损失。在特朗普支持率高的地区或特朗普支持率较低的地区的任何群体中,非西班牙裔白人的人数没有下降。这些模式不受季节性、行业构成或选举前趋势的驱动,这表明特朗普的胜利加剧了他获得强大选举支持的种族差异。