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Overview of the exploration potential of offshore Argentina - insight from new seismic interpretations
Petroleum Geoscience ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-28 , DOI: 10.1144/petgeo2020-132
Steve DeVito 1 , Hannah Kearns 2

Argentina's offshore sedimentary basins cover a vast area on one of the widest continental margins on the planet, yet they remain underexplored today. Previous exploration drilling has failed to encounter commercial volumes of hydrocarbons, in part due to the poor seismic imaging of legacy 1960s–1990s 2D seismic data, and to the majority of wells being drilled on structural highs outside of the source rock kitchens. In this study, we reviewed 52 000 km of recently acquired (2017–2018) regional 2D long-offset seismic data with broadband pre-stack time (PSTM) and depth migration (PSDM) processing. We identified five major structural domains with hydrocarbon prospectivity on the Northern Margin of Argentina and four on the Southern Margin, and the presence of previously unseen structural and stratigraphic traps involving sequences assigned to proven regional source rocks and reservoirs in Permian, Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks. The source and reservoir rocks, petroleum systems, and play types present in the deepwater of the undrilled Argentina Basin represent a true frontier for hydrocarbon exploration. Pseudo relief attribute seismic displays and amplitude v. angle (AVA) analysis are demonstrated to be valuable tools in predicting the stratigraphy of the basins. A new framework for understanding the oil and gas prospectivity of the study area is presented.


阿根廷近海勘探潜力概述 - 来自新地震解释的见解

阿根廷的近海沉积盆地覆盖了地球上最广阔的大陆边缘之一的广阔区域,但今天它们仍未得到充分开发。以前的勘探钻探未能遇到商业量的碳氢化合物,部分原因是由于 1960 年代至 1990 年代遗留的二维地震数据的地震成像不佳,以及大多数井是在源岩厨房以外的结构高处钻探的。在本研究中,我们回顾了最近获得的(2017-2018 年)52 000 km 的区域二维长偏移地震数据,采用宽带叠前时间 (PSTM) 和深度偏移 (PSDM) 处理。我们在阿根廷北部边缘确定了五个具有油气勘探前景的主要结构域,在南部边缘确定了四个,以及以前未见的构造和地层圈闭的存在,这些圈闭涉及分配给二叠纪、侏罗纪和白垩纪岩石中已探明的区域烃源岩和储层的序列。阿根廷盆地未钻探深水中的烃源岩和储层、石油系统和储层类型代表了油气勘探的真正前沿。假地势属性地震显示和振幅与角度(AVA)分析被证明是预测盆地地层的有价值的工具。提出了一个理解研究区油气前景的新框架。阿根廷盆地未钻探深水中的成藏类型和成藏类型代表了油气勘探的真正前沿。假地势属性地震显示和振幅与角度(AVA)分析被证明是预测盆地地层的有价值的工具。提出了一个理解研究区油气前景的新框架。阿根廷盆地未钻探深水中的成藏类型和成藏类型代表了油气勘探的真正前沿。假地势属性地震显示和振幅与角度(AVA)分析被证明是预测盆地地层的有价值的工具。提出了一个理解研究区油气前景的新框架。
