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Standard model physics and the digital quantum revolution: thoughts about the interface
Reports on Progress in Physics ( IF 19.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-19 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6633/ac58a4
Natalie Klco 1 , Alessandro Roggero 2 , Martin J Savage 2

Advances in isolating, controlling and entangling quantum systems are transforming what was once a curious feature of quantum mechanics into a vehicle for disruptive scientific and technological progress. Pursuing the vision articulated by Feynman, a concerted effort across many areas of research and development is introducing prototypical digital quantum devices into the computing ecosystem available to domain scientists. Through interactions with these early quantum devices, the abstract vision of exploring classically-intractable quantum systems is evolving toward becoming a tangible reality. Beyond catalyzing these technological advances, entanglement is enabling parallel progress as a diagnostic for quantum correlations and as an organizational tool, both guiding improved understanding of quantum many-body systems and quantum field theories defining and emerging from the standard model. From the perspective of three domain science theorists, this article compiles thoughts about the interface on entanglement, complexity, and quantum simulation in an effort to contextualize recent NISQ-era progress with the scientific objectives of nuclear and high-energy physics.



隔离、控制和纠缠量子系统的进步正在将量子力学曾经的一个奇怪特征转变为颠覆性科学和技术进步的工具。为了实现费曼阐述的愿景,跨多个研究和开发领域的共同努力正在将原型数字量子设备引入领域科学家可用的计算生态系统中。通过与这些早期量子设备的相互作用,探索经典难以处理的量子系统的抽象愿景正在演变为有形的现实。除了催化这些技术进步之外,纠缠还作为量子相关性的诊断和组织工具实现了并行进展,两者都指导了对量子多体系统和定义标准模型并从标准模型中产生的量子场论的更好理解。本文从三位领域科学理论家的角度出发,汇集了关于纠缠、复杂性和量子模拟的接口的想法,试图将 NISQ 时代的最新进展与核物理和高能物理的科学目标联系起来。