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Marcel Breuer, the Wassily chair and the ‘frozen’ Bauhaus modernism after 1945
Journal of Design History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-06 , DOI: 10.1093/jdh/epac001
Donatella Cacciola 1

Donatella Cacciola teaches design history, theories of design, and in the Masters programme in Museum Studies at the University of Bonn. She studied World Heritage Studies in Parma and received her PhD from the Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture. Methodologically, she focuses her work strongly on archival sources (inter alia she worked and researched for several months in the archive of Dino Gavina, Bologna). In her publications (since 2003) she has identified and reconstructed several pieces of furniture (1926, 1961/1962) designed by Marcel Breuer. Other topics are the scientific relevance of re-issued furniture designs; medial reflection of design history in illustrated magazines and in advertising. She has also been a book reviewer for Domus, and has been participating in international conferences since 2004. Her most recent publications as a co-author include: Atlas of Furniture Design (edited by Vitra Design Museum, 2019) as well as contributions (all published in 2021) on the hundredth anniversary of the Bauhaus (full paper at XIV. Bauhaus-Kolloquium, Weimar; full proceedings of the conference ‘Bauhaus-Paradigmen’, University of Siegen) about the domesticity of so-called ‘modern classic’ furniture design in illustrated printed media from the 1960s to the end of the twentieth century (full paper of the conference Wohnseiten, University of Bremen). She is currently working on the idea of DIY and on David Carson’s œuvre (recent and retrospective).


Marcel Breuer,Wassily 椅子和 1945 年后“冻结”的包豪斯现代主义

Donatella Cacciola 在波恩大学教授设计史、设计理论和博物馆研究硕士课程。她在帕尔马学习世界遗产研究,并在代尔夫特理工大学建筑学院获得博士学位。在方法论上,她将工作重点放在档案资料上(尤其是她在博洛尼亚迪诺加维纳的档案馆工作和研究了几个月)。在她的出版物(自 2003 年以来)中,她识别并重建了几件由 Marcel Breuer 设计的家具(1926、1961/1962)。其他主题是重新发布的家具设计的科学相关性;在插图杂志和广告中对设计历史的内在反映。她也是 Domus 的书评人,自 2004 年以来一直参加国际会议。她作为合著者的最新出版物包括:家具设计图集(维特拉设计博物馆编辑,2019 年)以及包豪斯一百周年的贡献(全部于 2021 年出版)(全文在 XIV. Bauhaus-Kolloquium ,魏玛;“包豪斯范式”会议的完整记录,锡根大学)关于 1960 年代至 20 世纪末插图印刷媒体中所谓的“现代经典”家具设计的国内性(完整论文)会议 Wohnseiten,不来梅大学)。她目前正在研究 DIY 的想法以及 David Carson 的 œuvre(近期和回顾展)。关于从 1960 年代到 20 世纪末,插图印刷媒体中所谓的“现代经典”家具设计(不来梅大学 Wohnseiten 会议的全文)。她目前正在研究 DIY 的想法以及 David Carson 的 œuvre(近期和回顾展)。关于从 1960 年代到 20 世纪末,插图印刷媒体中所谓的“现代经典”家具设计(不来梅大学 Wohnseiten 会议的全文)。她目前正在研究 DIY 的想法以及 David Carson 的 œuvre(近期和回顾展)。不来梅大学)。她目前正在研究 DIY 的想法以及 David Carson 的 œuvre(近期和回顾展)。不来梅大学)。她目前正在研究 DIY 的想法以及 David Carson 的 œuvre(近期和回顾展)。