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Controlling Post-transfusion Hepatitis: A Proposal to Publicize Hepatitis Rates of Transfusion Facilities
American Journal of Law & Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-29 , DOI: 10.1017/s0098858800013460
Stan N. Finkelstein , Harvey M. Sapolsky

A federal requirement that donor blood be labelled as either “paid” or “volunteer” took effect on May 15, 1978. A major rationale for requiring such labelling is that physicians, now that they can distinguish between categories of blood, will fear liability for post-transfusion hepatitis resulting from the use of paid blood. Thus, supporters of the labelling requirement hope that it will deter the use of high-risk commercial blood. Some paid blood, however, is not commercial blood and in fact may be safer than volunteer blood. The labelling strategy for hepatitis control, therefore, has negative as well as positive attributes. This Article considers the efficacy of blood labelling as a hepatitis control measure and proposes an alternative strategy—the periodic publicizing of hepatitis rates of facilities that perform transfusions—that, if practiced responsibly, could significantly decrease hepatitis transmission rates.



1978 年 5 月 15 日,联邦要求将献血者标记为“付费”或“志愿者”的要求生效。要求进行此类标记的一个主要理由是,医生现在可以区分血液的类别,他们会担心为使用有偿血液引起的输血后肝炎。因此,标签要求的支持者希望它能阻止高风险商业血液的使用。然而,一些有偿血液不是商业血液,实际上可能比志愿者血液更安全。因此,肝炎控制的标签策略具有消极和积极的属性。本文将血液标签的功效视为一种肝炎控制措施,并提出了一种替代策略——定期公布输血设施的肝炎发病率——即,