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Austerity, outsourcing and the state school workforce: trends from 20,000 English state schools
British Journal of Sociology of Education ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-21 , DOI: 10.1080/01425692.2021.2018650
Nicholas Martindale 1


How have public sector austerity and the outsourcing of school provision under the Academies programme affected the state school workforce in England? Existing research claims that teachers are being substituted by cheaper support staff and that schools are becoming increasingly dominated by managers. However, these claims focus on the period before austerity-induced budget cuts and the outsourcing of more than 9,000 schools under the Academies programme. Using nationally comprehensive data sources, analyses reveal that changes under austerity have been drastic, far surpassing those associated with outsourced Academies. Long-term increases in the number of teachers and support staff have gone into reverse, while managerial teams have continued to grow. This research has important implications for our understanding of how marketization and austerity affect state school workforces.


紧缩、外包和公立学校劳动力:来自 20,000 所英国公立学校的趋势


公共部门的紧缩政策和学院计划下的学校供应外包如何影响了英格兰的公立学校劳动力?现有的研究声称,教师正在被更便宜的支持人员所取代,学校正越来越多地由管理者主导。然而,这些说法集中在紧缩导致的预算削减和学院计划下 9,000 多所学校外包之前的时期。使用全国综合数据源,分析表明紧缩政策下的变化非常剧烈,远远超过了与外包学院相关的变化。教师和辅助人员数量的长期增长出现逆转,而管理团队继续增长。
