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Local farmers shape ecosystem service provisioning in West African cocoa agroforests
Agroforestry Systems ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10457-021-00723-6
E. Sanial 1 , F. Ruf 2 , D. Louppe 3 , B. Hérault 4, 5, 6

1.In many tropical areas, forests have almost undergone complete decline. In this context, agroforestry has often been acknowledged as fostering compromises between crop production, local income diversification and the preservation of forest ecosystem services. 2.Cocoa agroforestry capacity to provide ecosystem services has mainly been studied through a management intensification gradient summed up as a shade rate. This paper proposes an alternative reading grid based on different trees origins that agroforests often combine: (i) Remnants,left-alive during deforestation, (ii) Recruits that have colonized the agroforest and (iii) Planted trees. This grid has been applied to 137 cocoa fields in the south of Ivory Coast to assess the impact of farmers management on provisioning trees ecosystem services (i.e.: carbon storage, diversity, food, medicine, timber and agronomic services to cocoa trees). 3. (i) Little environmental effect was found to explain ecosystem services provisioning. (ii) However, with regard to their origins, trees provide different services: remnants stock most above-ground carbon, recruits are the most diverse and provide medicinal resources and planted trees bring food resources. (iii) According to their origin, trees belong to different species or are at different stages of maturity so that trees from different origins play a complementary role in providing ecosystem services. Our results suggest that Ivorian cocoa agrosystems are so shaped by human management of associated trees that ecosystem services are weakly linked to environmental variables. Two neighboring fields in similar environmental conditions will provide very different services according to farmers’ management. 4. Synthesis and applications Preserving remnants while clearing forest is irreplaceable for large-scale climate mitigation while providing farmers with trees seedlings may have only little impact on carbon stocks. To strengthen complementarities between human-brought and human-selected trees, private companies providing trees to farmers should supply them with different valued trees from the ones they already plant or easily find in recruits. At landscape scale, policy should encourage remnants preservation to ensure that those remnants can feed the cohort of recruits with propagules thus allowing the survival of the species throughout several cycles of perennial crops.



1.在许多热带地区,森林几乎完全退化。在这种情况下,农林业通常被认为促进了作物生产、地方收入多样化和森林生态系统服务保护之间的妥协。2. 可可农林业提供生态系统服务的能力主要通过管理集约化梯度概括为遮光率来研究。本文提出了一种基于农林经常结合的不同树木起源的替代阅读网格:(i)残余,在砍伐森林期间存活,(ii)在农林中定居的新兵和(iii)种植的树木。该网格已应用于科特迪瓦南部的 137 个可可园,以评估农民管理对提供树木生态系统服务的影响(即:碳储存、多样性、食品、医药、可可树的木材和农艺服务)。3. (i) 几乎没有发现解释生态系统服务提供的环境影响。(ii) 然而,就其起源而言,树木提供不同的服务:残留物储存地表碳最多,新兵最多样化并提供药用资源,种植树木带来食物资源。(iii) 树木根据其来源,属于不同的树种或处于不同的成熟阶段,从而使不同来源的树木在提供生态系统服务方面发挥互补作用。我们的研究结果表明,科特迪瓦可可农业系统受到人类对相关树木管理的影响,以至于生态系统服务与环境变量的联系很弱。两个相邻的环境条件相近的田地,根据农民的经营管理,会提供截然不同的服务。4.合成与应用在砍伐森林的同时保留残余物对于大规模减缓气候变化是不可替代的,而为农民提供树苗可能对碳储量的影响很小。为加强人为树木和人为选择的树木之间的互补性,向农民提供树木的私营公司应向他们提供与他们已经种植或在新兵中容易找到的树木不同的价值树木。在景观尺度上,政策应鼓励保留残余物,以确保这些残余物可以用繁殖体喂养新兵队列,从而使该物种在多年生作物的几个周期中存活。
