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A proud moment in publishing about the lives of people with learning disabilities
British Journal of Learning Disabilities ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-20 , DOI: 10.1111/bld.12451
Melanie Nind 1

  • British Journal of Learning Disabilities is celebrating its 50th year. There will be a special issue next time to look at 50 years of the journal and the wider history of learning disability.
  • The issue has a mix of papers about the lives of people with learning disabilities sharing new knowledge and ideas.
  • The editor met with the authors of the In Response articles to hear their ideas for making the journal more accessible and to reflect the perspectives of people with learning disabilities even more.



  • British Journal of Learning Disabilities正在庆祝其成立 50 周年。下次将有一个特刊来看看该杂志的 50 年和更广泛的学习障碍历史。
  • 本期有多种关于学习障碍者生活的论文,分享新的知识和想法。
  • •编辑与In Response文章 的作者会面,听取他们关于使期刊更易于阅读和更多反映学习障碍者观点的想法。