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Scaling laws of strong convective thermals: comparison with experimental data
Environmental Fluid Mechanics ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10652-022-09836-7
Martin Kocan 1 , Alex Skvortsov 1


New scaling laws for the evolution of strong convective buoyant thermals are presented. These strong thermals can be formed by rapid energy release in the environment (e.g., explosion, volcano eruption). The new scaling laws are the power-law relations between the elevation and radius of the thermal and the time since its release. It is shown that the exponents of these power-laws are determined by the density contrast (or total energy) associated with the thermal. At the limit of a weak thermal our model is in agreement with the celebrated work of Batchelor, Morton and Turner. Experimental data from literature are presented to support our findings.

Article Highlights

  • Variety of new scaling laws for buoyant thermals valid outside the Boussinesq approximation

  • Validation of the new scaling laws with experimental data

  • Energy based criterion for observation of different scaling laws.




提出了强对流浮力热演化的新尺度定律。这些强烈的热气流可以通过环境中的快速能量释放(例如,爆炸、火山喷发)形成。新的比例定律是热的高度和半径与自其释放以来的时间之间的幂律关系。结果表明,这些幂律的指数由与热相关的密度对比(或总能量)决定。在弱热极限下,我们的模型与 Batchelor、Morton 和 Turner 的著名工作一致。提供了来自文献的实验数据以支持我们的发现。


  • 在 Boussinesq 近似之外有效的浮力热气流的各种新比例定律

  • 用实验数据验证新的比例定律

  • 用于观察不同比例定律的基于能量的标准。
