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Musical groove shapes children's free dancing
Developmental Science ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-17 , DOI: 10.1111/desc.13249
Haley E Kragness 1 , Lucy Anderson 1 , Ester Chow 1 , Mark Schmuckler 1 , Laura K Cirelli 1

The drive to move to music is evident across a variety of contexts, from the simple urge to tap our toe to a song on the radio, to massive crowds dancing in time at a rock concert. Though seemingly effortless, beat synchronization is difficult to master and children are often poor beat synchronizers. Nevertheless, auditory-motor integration is fundamental for many daily processes, such as speech. A topic that has been relatively understudied concerns how stimulus properties affect young children's movement in responses to auditory stimuli. In the present study, we examined how musical groove (adult-rated desire to move) affected 3.0- to 6.9-year-old children's free dancing in the comfort of their home (n = 78). In the high groove conditions, children danced more and with more energy compared to the low groove conditions. Moreover, in the high groove condition, children's movement tempos corresponded better with the tempos of the music. Results point to early childhood sensitivity to the musical features that motivate adults to move to music. High groove music may therefore prove especially effective at facilitating early auditory-motor integration. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at https://youtu.be/vli0-6N12Ts.



转向音乐的动力在各种情况下都很明显,从轻敲我们的脚趾到收音机中的歌曲的简单冲动,再到摇滚音乐会上及时跳舞的大量人群。尽管看似毫不费力,但节拍同步却很难掌握,而儿童往往是糟糕的节拍同步者。然而,听觉-运动整合是许多日常过程的基础,例如言语。一个相对未被充分研究的主题是关于刺激特性如何影响幼儿对听觉刺激的反应的运动。在本研究中,我们研究了音乐节奏(成人评定的移动欲望)如何影响 3.0 至 6.9 岁儿童在舒适的家中自由跳舞(n = 78). 与低槽条件相比,在高槽条件下,孩子们跳得更多,精力也更多。此外,在 high groove 条件下,儿童的运动节奏与音乐节奏更好地对应。结果表明,儿童早期对激励成年人转向音乐的音乐特征很敏感。因此,高律动音乐可能在促进早期听觉-运动整合方面特别有效。可以在 https://youtu.be/vli0-6N12Ts 查看本文的视频摘要。