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Homophobia and Transphobia Among Spanish Practicing and Future Teachers
American Journal of Sexuality Education ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-16 , DOI: 10.1080/15546128.2022.2035290
Ana M. Amigo-Ventureira 1 , Renée DePalma 1 , Montserrat Durán-Bouza 1


The institution of schooling is a key socializing agent, and teachers’ attitudes toward gender and sexual diversity play a crucial role in the education of all children, shaping in particular the school experience of LGBT + children and youth. Our research used a survey of Early Childhood and Primary teachers (N = 182) and university students studying these degree programs (N = 1,133) in northwestern Spain (Galicia) to analyze transphobic and homophobic attitudes, and their relationship with other professional and academic variables, such as years of experience or study, specialization or degree program, and place of work or study. Results showed that practicing teachers generally displayed less tolerant attitudes than students studying to be teachers, although tolerance increased with the numbers of years of teaching experience. We also found differences among students according to their course of study, with those preparing to teach at the Early Childhood Education level showing more positive attitudes, and also depending on the location of their university campus, suggesting that the program design and local sociocultural context may be contributing factors.




学校教育机构是一个关键的社会化因素,教师对性别和性多样性的态度在所有儿童的教育中发挥着至关重要的作用,尤其是塑造 LGBT + 儿童和青少年的学校体验。我们的研究使用了对幼儿和小学教师(N  = 182)和学习这些学位课程的大学生(N = 1,133)在西班牙西北部(加利西亚)分析恐跨和恐同态度,以及它们与其他专业和学术变量的关系,例如多年的经验或学习、专业或学位课程以及工作或学习地点。结果表明,与学习成为教师的学生相比,在职教师普遍表现出较少的宽容态度,尽管宽容随着教学年限的增加而增加。我们还发现,根据学习课程的不同,学生之间存在差异,准备在幼儿教育阶段任教的学生表现出更积极的态度,也取决于他们大学校园的位置,这表明课程设计和当地社会文化背景可能成为促成因素。
