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Targeting versus Tailoring Educational Videos for Encouraging Deceased Organ Donor Registration in Black-Owned Barbershops
Journal of Health Communication ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-16 , DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2022.2035021
Stephen P Wall 1, 2, 3 , Patricio Castillo 1, 2 , Francine Shuchat-Shaw 3 , Elizabeth Norman 4 , David Brown 1, 2 , Natalia Martinez-López 1, 2 , Mairyn López-Ríos 1, 2, 5 , Azizi A Seixas 2, 6 , Jan L Plass 3 , Joseph E Ravenell 2, 7

In the U.S., black men are at highest risk for requiring kidney transplants but are among those least likely to register for organ donation. Prior outreach used videos culturally targeted for Black communities, yet registration rates remain insufficient to meet demand. Therefore, we assessed whether generic versus videos culturally targeted or personally tailored based on prior organ donation beliefs differentially increase organ donor registration. In a randomized controlled trial, 1,353 participants in Black-owned barbershops viewed generic, targeted, or tailored videos about organ donation. Logistic regression models assessed the relative impact of videos on: 1) immediate organ donor registration, 2) taking brochures, and 3) change in organ donation willingness stage of change from baseline. Randomization yielded approximately equal groups related to demographics and baseline willingness and beliefs. Neither targeted nor tailored videos differentially affected registration compared with the generic video, but participants in targeted and tailored groups were more likely to take brochures. Targeted (OR = 1.74) and tailored (OR = 1.57) videos were associated with incremental increases in organ donation willingness stage of change compared to the generic video. Distributing culturally targeted and individually tailored videos increased organ donor willingness stage of change among Black men in Black-owned barbershops but was insufficient for encouraging registration.

Abbreviations: CI – confidence interval; DMV – Department of Motor Vehicles; BOBs – Black-owned barbershops; ODBI – organ donation belief index; ODWS – organ donation willingness stage of change; OR – odds ratio



在美国,黑人男性需要肾移植的风险最高,但也是最不可能登记器官捐献的人群之一。之前的宣传活动使用了针对黑人社区文化的视频,但注册率仍然不足以满足需求。因此,我们评估了通用视频与具有文化针对性的视频或基于先前器官捐赠信念的个人定制视频是否会不同地增加器官捐献者登记。在一项随机对照试验中,黑人理发店的 1,353 名参与者观看了有关器官捐赠的通用、有针对性或定制的视频。逻辑回归模型评估了视频对以下方面的相对影响:1)立即器官捐献者登记,2)获取小册子,以及3)器官捐献意愿相对于基线的变化阶段的变化。随机化产生了与人口统计、基线意愿和信念相关的大致相等的群体。与通用视频相比,有针对性的视频和定制视频对注册的影响都没有差异,但有针对性和定制群体的参与者更有可能获取宣传册。与通用视频相比,有针对性的(OR = 1.74)和定制的(OR = 1.57)视频与器官捐献意愿变化阶段的增量增加相关。分发具有文化针对性和个性化定制的视频增加了黑人理发店黑人的器官捐赠意愿变化阶段,但不足以鼓励登记。

缩写:CI——置信区间; DMV – 机动车辆部; BOB——黑人拥有的理发店; ODBI——器官捐献信念指数; ODWS——器官捐献意愿变化阶段; OR——优势比
