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Exploring the Psychological Characteristics and Risk-related Cognitions of Individuals Who Own Sex Dolls
Journal of Sex Research ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-15 , DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2022.2031848
Craig A Harper 1 , Rebecca Lievesley 1 , Katie Wanless 1


The ownership of sex dolls has become an increasingly controversial social issue over the last five to ten years, with many in society (and academia) calling for the criminalization of such dolls. At the root of these calls is the implicit (and often explicit) assumption that sex doll ownership contributes to increases in negative social attitudes toward women, and sexual offense risk among doll owners. However, there are yet to be any empirical examinations of these claims. In this work we compared the psychological characteristics and comparative sexual aggression proclivities of sex doll owners (n = 158) and a non-owner comparison group (n = 135). We found no substantive differences in most psychological traits. Doll owners scored lower than comparators in relation to sexual aggression proclivity. They were, however, more likely to see women as unknowable, the world as dangerous, and have lower sexual self-esteem. They also had more obsessive and emotionally stable personality styles. We conclude that there is no evidence that sex doll owners pose a greater sexual risk than a non-owning comparison group, before highlighting the need for more evidence-informed social debates about the use of sex dolls in modern society.




在过去的五到十年里,性玩偶的所有权已成为一个越来越有争议的社会问题,社会上(和学术界)的许多人都呼吁将此类玩偶定为犯罪。这些呼吁的根源是隐含的(通常是明确的)假设,即拥有性玩偶会导致社会对女性的负面态度增加,并增加玩偶所有者的性犯罪风险。然而,还没有对这些说法进行任何实证检验。在这项工作中,我们比较了性玩偶拥有者(n = 158)和非拥有者比较组(n= 135)。我们发现大多数心理特征没有实质性差异。玩偶拥有者在性侵犯倾向方面的得分低于比较者。然而,他们更有可能认为女性是不可知的,世界是危险的,并且性自尊心较低。他们也有更多的强迫症和情绪稳定的人格风格。我们的结论是,没有证据表明性玩偶拥有者比未拥有性玩偶的对照组具有更大的性风险,然后强调需要就现代社会使用性玩偶进行更多循证社会辩论。
