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Spanish validation of the Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC) in preschool and elementary children: Relationship with emotion knowledge
Social Development ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-15 , DOI: 10.1111/sode.12585
Beatriz Lucas‐Molina 1 , Marta Giménez‐Dasí 2 , Laura Quintanilla 3 , Ana Belén Gorriz‐Plumed 4 , Cristina Giménez‐García 5 , Renata Sarmento‐Henrique 3

Emotion Regulation is one of the most widely studied variables in child development. However, it is a complex construct, and there are few validated instruments to evaluate children. The main goal of this study was to test the factorial structure of the Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC) in two samples of Spanish children, one with 284 preschool children (48.3% girls; = 4.38) and the other with 323 elementary school children (49.2% girls; M = 8.82). The ERC was completed by the children's teachers. Although this instrument has been validated in different cultural contexts, no studies have analyzed its psychometric properties in Spanish samples. An examination of the internal structure, using Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM), revealed that the original two-factor model (Emotion Regulation and Lability/Negativity) fitted the elementary school children's data well; however, in the sample of preschool children, the factorial model showed poor goodness-of-fit indices. The reliability of the ERC subscales was .77 for ER and .88 for L/N in the preschool-aged sample, and .80 for ER and .77 for L/N in the sample of elementary school children. In addition, the relationship between the ERC and the Test of Emotion Comprehension (TEC) was explored. L/N correlated negatively and significantly with TEC in the sample of elementary school children. These findings provide some support for the use of the Spanish teachers’ version of the ERC with elementary school children.


西班牙对学龄前和小学生情绪调节清单 (ERC) 的验证:与情绪知识的关系

情绪调节是儿童发展中研究最广泛的变量之一。然而,它是一个复杂的结构,几乎没有经过验证的工具来评估儿童。本研究的主要目的是在西班牙儿童的两个样本中测试情绪调节检查表 (ERC) 的因子结构,一个样本有 284 名学龄前儿童(48.3% 的女孩; = 4.38),另一个样本有 323 名小学生( 49.2% 女生; = 8.82)。ERC由孩子们的老师完成。尽管该仪器已在不同的文化背景下得到验证,但没有研究分析其在西班牙样本中的心理测量特性。使用探索性结构方程模型 (ESEM) 对内部结构的检查表明,原始的双因素模型(情绪调节和不稳定性/消极性)很好地拟合了小学生的数据;然而,在学龄前儿童样本中,阶乘模型显示出较差的拟合优度指数。在学龄前样本中,ERC 分量表的信度为 0.77,ER 和 L/N 为 0.88,在小学生样本中,ER 为 0.80,L/N 为 0.77。此外,还探讨了 ERC 与情绪理解测试 (TEC) 之间的关系。L/N与小学生样本中的TEC呈显着负相关。这些发现为小学生使用西班牙教师版本的 ERC 提供了一些支持。