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Intersecting Structural Oppression and Suicidality Among Black Sexual Minority Male Adolescents and Emerging Adults
Journal of Research on Adolescence ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-15 , DOI: 10.1111/jora.12726
Devin English 1 , Cheriko A Boone 2 , Joseph A Carter 3 , Ali J Talan 4 , Danielle R Busby 5 , Raymond L Moody 6 , Diamond J Cunningham 7 , Lisa Bowleg 2 , H Jonathon Rendina 2, 4

This study examined associations between structural racism, anti-LGBTQ policies, and suicide risk among young sexual minority men (SMM). Participants were a 2017–2018 Internet-based U.S. national sample of 497 Black and 1536 White SMM (ages 16–25). Structural equation modeling tested associations from indicators of structural racism, anti-LGBTQ policies, and their interaction to suicide risk factors. For Black participants, structural racism and anti-LGBTQ policies were significantly positively associated with depressive symptoms, heavy drinking, perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, self-harm, and suicide attempt. There were significant interaction effects: Positive associations between structural racism and several outcomes were stronger for Black participants in high anti-LGBTQ policy states. Structural racism, anti-LGBTQ policies, and their interaction were not significantly associated with suicide risk for White SMM.



本研究探讨了结构性种族主义、反 LGBTQ 政策与年轻性少数男性 (SMM) 自杀风险之间的关联。参与者是 2017-2018 年基于互联网的美国全国样本,其中包括 497 名黑人和 1536 名白人 SMM(年龄 16-25 岁)。结构方程模型测试了结构性种族主义指标、反 LGBTQ 政策及其与自杀风险因素的相互作用之间的关联。对于黑人参与者来说,结构性种族主义和反 LGBTQ 政策与抑郁症状、酗酒、负担感、归属感受挫、自残和自杀企图显着正相关。存在显着的交互效应:对于高度反 LGBTQ 政策的州的黑人参与者来说,结构性种族主义与一些结果之间的正相关性更强。结构性种族主义、反 LGBTQ 政策及其相互作用与白人 SMM 的自杀风险没有显着相关。