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Effects of Irradiated Sterile Male and Mating Sequence on the Fertility of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae)
Journal of Insect Science ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-28 , DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/ieac009
Yongzhuo Chen 1 , Hui Pan 1 , Jing Li 1 , Deng Pan 1 , Pengcheng Liu 1 , Haoyuan Hu 1

The sterile insect technique has been explored in the laboratory to control populations of Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), a globally invasive pest. We studied the reproductive behavior of D. suzukii including mating frequency, time between matings, and mating duration among non-irradiated flies. Irradiation doses were tested at 0, 60, 90, 110, 120, 150, and 180 Gy to select the optimal dose for producing sterile males. In addition, we examined the effects of mating sequence on offspring production where females were presented with irradiated males first and then wild males, or the reverse. Female D. suzukii were found to mate twice on average through their lifespan, with 16.53 ± 12.05 d between matings. The first mating duration was 24.64 ± 1.52 min shorter than the second mating. A dose of 90 Gy was suitable where irradiated males lived as long as non-irradiated males, and few eggs hatched from matings. The mating sequence experiment revealed first-male parentage preference. Wild females that mated with a wild male and then irradiated male produced more offspring than females mated with an irradiated and then wild male. Overall, the influence of mating sequence should be taken into consideration when applying the sterile insect technique (SIT) to control D. suzukii populations.



实验室已经探索了昆虫不育技术来控制全球入侵性害虫铃木果蝇(Matsumura)(双翅目:果蝇科)的种群。我们研究了 D. suzukii 的生殖行为,包括交配频率、交配之间的时间和未受辐照的苍蝇的交配持续时间。在 0、60、90、110、120、150 和 180 Gy 下测试辐照剂量,以选择产生不育雄性的最佳剂量。此外,我们检查了交配顺序对后代生产的影响,其中雌性首先与受辐射的雄性一起出现,然后是野生雄性,或相反。发现雌性 D. suzukii 在其一生中平均交配两次,交配间隔为 16.53 ± 12.05 天。第一次交配持续时间比第二次交配短 24.64 ± 1.52 分钟。90 Gy 的剂量适用于受辐射的雄性与未受辐射的雄性一样长的寿命,并且交配时孵化的卵很少。交配序列实验揭示了第一男性的亲子偏好。野生雌性与野生雄性交配然后受辐射的雄性比雌性与受辐射然后野生雄性交配产生更多的后代。总体而言,在应用昆虫不育技术 (SIT) 控制 D. suzukii 种群时,应考虑交配顺序的影响。