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Travel à la Mode: Australian Architects and the Changing Nature of the International Tour
Fabrications ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-09 , DOI: 10.1080/10331867.2021.2006429
Julie Willis 1 , Katti Williams 1


For Australian architects of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the pull to centres of architectural culture was significant. Travel to further one’s architectural education and experience was out of reach for many Antipodean architects because of geographical distance and costs. For others, particular circumstances enabled a period of international travel, having a transformative effect on their subsequent architectural outputs and careers. Not all architectural travel is the same: it has different modes and outcomes, and can be instigated through means as diverse as a reward for years of practice to enlisting in military service.

This paper examines the changing role of travel for Australian architects prior to the Second World War. Six distinct modes of travel emerge: the grand tour; the commercial enterprise; the roaming adventure; accidental tourismthat Kilburn took through the United States saw him directly influenced; educational imperative; and finally, as a rite of passage. While the impetus differed, all modes allowed architects to experience places and structures first-hand: to see architecture differently. This increasing role of travel in the careers of architects vastly truncated the distance between the United Kingdom, Europe, North America, and Australia, building educational and professional engagement and networks. These opportunities brought multi-valent benefit to individual architects, as well as new ideas that transformed Australian architecture.


Travel à la Mode:澳大利亚建筑师与国际巡回赛不断变化的性质


对于 19 世纪末和 20 世纪初的澳大利亚建筑师来说,建筑文化中心的吸引力意义重大。由于地理距离和成本的原因,许多 Antipodean 建筑师无法获得进一步的建筑教育和经验。对于其他人来说,特殊情况促成了一段时间的国际旅行,对他们随后的建筑产出和职业产生了变革性的影响。并非所有的建筑旅行都是相同的:它有不同的模式和结果,并且可以通过多种方式来煽动,如对多年实践的奖励,以入伍服役。

