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‘Je n’ai pas envie de chanter ce soir’: A Re-examination of Samuel Beckett’s Opera Collaboration Krapp, ou La Dernière bande
New Theatre Quarterly ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-03 , DOI: 10.1017/s0266464x21000397
Shane O’Neill

This article re-examines Krapp, ou La Dernière bande (1961), an opera adaptation of Samuel Beckett’s Krapp’s Last Tape (1958), which was a collaboration between the playwright and the Romanian composer Marcel Mihalovici. Beckett’s changes to the libretto give new insights into the writer’s developing concerns around form and his aesthetic of failure. In the programme for the Bielefeld production of the opera in 1961, Beckett supplied a sentence from the German translation of his Texts for Nothing, although inverting its first two clauses. His inclusion of this line in the programme affords us greater insight into Beckett’s ever evolving conception of the play. Shane O’Neill’s doctoral research on Samuel Beckett’s self-translated drama is funded by the Irish Research Council. He teaches at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, and has published essays in Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui and the edited volume Samuel Beckett and Translation (Edinburgh University Press, 2021).


“Jen n'ai pas envie de chanter ce soir”:重新审视塞缪尔·贝克特的歌剧合作 Krapp, ou La Dernière bande

本文重新审视了 Krapp, ou La Dernière bande (1961),该剧改编自塞缪尔·贝克特 (Samuel Beckett) 的Krapp's Last Tape (1958),由剧作家与罗马尼亚作曲家 Marcel Mihalovici 合作创作。贝克特对歌词的修改为作者对形式的发展关注和他的失败美学提供了新的见解。在 1961 年比勒费尔德制作歌剧的节目中,贝克特提供了他的《无用文本》的德文翻译中的一句话, 尽管颠倒了它的前两个子句。他在节目中加入了这句台词,让我们对贝克特不断发展的戏剧构想有了更深入的了解。Shane O'Neill 对塞缪尔贝克特自译戏剧的博士研究由爱尔兰研究委员会资助。他在利默里克大学玛丽完美学院任教,并在Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui和编辑的《Samuel Beckett and Translation》(爱丁堡大学出版社,2021 年)上发表了论文。
