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Local fisheries conservation and management works: implications of migrations and site fidelity of Arapaima in the Lower Amazon
Environmental Biology of Fishes ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10641-021-01171-y
Daniel J. Gurdak 1, 2 , Donald J. Stewart 1 , A. Pete Klimley 3 , Mike Thomas 3

Effective conservation must account for fish migrations to minimize threats to freshwater fishes. Many floodplain fishes, like giant Neotropical arapaima (genus Arapaima), migrate laterally into seasonally flooded habitats to feed and reproduce. Effects of seasonal migrations on conservation efforts like community-based management remain uncertain. Acoustic telemetry was applied to arapaima in floodplain habitats (Lower Amazon) to characterize (1) lake fidelity, (2) lake population connectivity, and (3) migrations beyond managed units. During low water of 2014, 24 arapaima were captured and implanted with acoustic tags in three lakes within a 10-km diameter and across two fishing communities. During floods, the entire study area was connected, including tagging lakes. Monitoring was continuous over two annual flood cycles using an array of 19 fixed acoustic receivers in four lakes. Additional nearby lakes were surveyed with portable receivers for unaccounted individuals during subsequent dry seasons. On average, 74% of unharvested arapaima returned to the same lake; no arapaima were found outside their lake of tagging origin during subsequent dry seasons. During high water, arapaima migrations were not contained within community management units; three arapaima were found outside their community zone. Overlapping distributions of arapaima from each of three lake populations showed connectivity during flooding, especially near known spawning grounds. Results demonstrate that management by local fishers to regulate fishing within lakes can work because arapaima show fidelity to their lake of tagging origin. Current management efforts could be improved by delineating management units to networks of habitats that sustain arapaima over complete life histories.



有效的保护必须考虑鱼类洄游,以尽量减少对淡水鱼类的威胁。许多泛滥平原鱼类,如巨型新热带巨骨舌鱼(巨骨舌鱼属),横向迁移到季节性淹没的栖息地以觅食和繁殖。季节性迁移对社区管理等保护工作的影响仍然不确定。声学遥测应用于洪泛区栖息地(亚马逊河下游)的巨骨舌鱼,以表征 (1) 湖泊保真度、(2) 湖泊种群连通性和 (3) 迁移到管理单元之外。在 2014 年的低水位期间,在直径 10 公里的三个湖泊和两个渔业社区中捕获了 24 只巨骨舌鱼并植入了声学标签。在洪水期间,整个研究区域都被连接起来,包括标记湖泊。使用四个湖泊中的 19 个固定声学接收器阵列在两个年度洪水周期内连续监测。在随后的旱季,用便携式接收器对附近的其他湖泊进行了调查,以寻找下落不明的人。一般,74% 未收获的巨骨舌鱼返回同一个湖;在随后的旱季,在它们的标记来源湖之外没有发现巨骨舌鱼。在高水位期间,巨骨舌鱼迁徙并未包含在社区管理单位内;在他们的社区区域外发现了三只巨骨舌鱼。三个湖泊种群中每一个的巨骨舌鱼重叠分布在洪水期间显示出连通性,尤其是在已知的产卵场附近。结果表明,当地渔民对湖内捕鱼的管理可以发挥作用,因为巨骨舌鱼表现出对其标记来源的湖泊的忠诚。目前的管理工作可以通过将管理单位划定为在整个生命史中维持巨骨舌鱼的栖息地网络来改进。在随后的旱季,在它们的标记来源湖之外没有发现巨骨舌鱼。在高水位期间,巨骨舌鱼迁徙并未包含在社区管理单位内;在他们的社区区域外发现了三只巨骨舌鱼。三个湖泊种群中每一个的巨骨舌鱼重叠分布在洪水期间显示出连通性,尤其是在已知的产卵场附近。结果表明,当地渔民对湖内捕鱼的管理可以发挥作用,因为巨骨舌鱼表现出对其标记来源的湖泊的忠诚。目前的管理工作可以通过将管理单位划定为在整个生命史中维持巨骨舌鱼的栖息地网络来改进。在随后的旱季,在它们的标记来源湖之外没有发现巨骨舌鱼。在高水位期间,巨骨舌鱼迁徙并未包含在社区管理单位内;在他们的社区区域外发现了三只巨骨舌鱼。三个湖泊种群中每一个的巨骨舌鱼重叠分布在洪水期间显示出连通性,尤其是在已知的产卵场附近。结果表明,当地渔民对湖内捕鱼的管理可以发挥作用,因为巨骨舌鱼表现出对其标记来源的湖泊的忠诚。目前的管理工作可以通过将管理单位划定为在整个生命史中维持巨骨舌鱼的栖息地网络来改进。在他们的社区区域外发现了三只巨骨舌鱼。三个湖泊种群中每一个的巨骨舌鱼重叠分布在洪水期间显示出连通性,尤其是在已知的产卵场附近。结果表明,当地渔民对湖内捕鱼的管理可以发挥作用,因为巨骨舌鱼表现出对其标记来源的湖泊的忠诚。目前的管理工作可以通过将管理单位划定为在整个生命史中维持巨骨舌鱼的栖息地网络来改进。在他们的社区区域外发现了三只巨骨舌鱼。三个湖泊种群中每一个的巨骨舌鱼重叠分布在洪水期间显示出连通性,尤其是在已知的产卵场附近。结果表明,当地渔民对湖内捕鱼的管理可以发挥作用,因为巨骨舌鱼表现出对其标记来源的湖泊的忠诚。目前的管理工作可以通过将管理单位划定为在整个生命史中维持巨骨舌鱼的栖息地网络来改进。结果表明,当地渔民对湖内捕鱼的管理可以发挥作用,因为巨骨舌鱼表现出对其标记来源的湖泊的忠诚。目前的管理工作可以通过将管理单位划定为在整个生命史中维持巨骨舌鱼的栖息地网络来改进。结果表明,当地渔民对湖内捕鱼的管理可以发挥作用,因为巨骨舌鱼表现出对其标记来源的湖泊的忠诚。目前的管理工作可以通过将管理单位划定为在整个生命史中维持巨骨舌鱼的栖息地网络来改进。
